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Dragon Hunt of Mirdonar

Genre: Fantasy
Primary Focus: Combat
Secondary Focus: Exploration
Time: 1-2 hours
Complexity: 1

Dragon Hunt of Mirdonar is a quick, simple one-shot for Level 1 characters that is easy to run and great for beginner players and GMs. You will be playing as a group of adventurers that the dwarven city of Mirdonar has hired to go to a glacier and hunt down a young ice dragon named Yoksontar, who has built a lair in the area. They want you to take it out before it grows up and becomes a real problem.

This adventure can be easily inserted into most Fantasy settings. You can use any sort of city close to mountains as a starting point, and you can freely exchange any fantasy race and lore with those of your chosen setting. The default option is the world of Iskra and the dwarven city of Mirdonar. You do not need to know anything about this setting other than it is a classic medieval fantasy setting to run and play this adventure, so do not worry about the details.