Starter Characters

You can find finished Level 1 characters here, allowing you to jump into the game quickly. These are great for beginners. The builds are explained and have examples for Level 2 and Level 3. This page includes exporter character sheets that can be imported into the online character sheet.

Absolute Beginner

Just Attack Warrior

The Just Attack Warrior is an extremely simple character who does nothing but attack each round. They have no Abilities or fancy features, making them extremely beginner-friendly.

Stats Value
Strength 13
Dexterity 13
Constitution 13
Intelligence 10
Charisma 12
Instinct 10
Will 10
Archetype War
Sub-Archetype Warrior
Primary Stat Strength
Secondary Stat Constitution
Evasion Stat Strength

Skill Levels: Athletics 2, Endurance 2, Perception 2, Persuasion 2, Presence 2, Raw Force 2, Street Smarts 2

Path: Path of Attack

Traits: Abilityless, More Vitality x2, Stat Boost x4, Hard Skin

Lesser Talents: Fully Armored, Precise, Bolstered Weapon

Abilities: None

Weapons: Speer, Heavy Shield

Armor: Heavy Armor

The Trait Abilityless removes all Abilities, which greatly simplifies the Just Attack Warrior. Most other features that they gain only increase numeric values, making them stronger without increasing the complexity of the Character. Warrior’s Offensive gives you either plus 2 to your damage or attack rolls. We want to keep it simple, so we will only increase damage to remove any complex decision. The extra damage is already added to the weapon’s damage. For the War Archetype feature Ready for War, we choose the extra hit bonus, which allows us to add all of the Secondary Stat Bouns instead of just half.

They are equipped with heavy armor and a shield so that the player can take way more hits. They are also equipped with a spear, which they use to attack every turn. They do not have any game plan other than just attacking every turn.

Level 2: +1 Instinct, +1 Endurance, Greater Talent Greatly Hardened Armor

The Greater Talent Greatly Hardened Armor gives you plus two to Armor, giving you more survivability.

Level 3: +1 Strength, +1 Raw Force, +1 Endurance, Lesser Talent Bolstered Weapon

The Lesser Talent Bolstered Weapon increases your Weapon Damage. It is simple and effective. Defensive Assault increases either your Armor or Evasion by two when you attack. Again, we are always going to choose Armor so that we do not have to think about that. Increase the damage of your main attack by 50% with the Path of Attack.

Complexity 1

Axe-Wielding Barbarian

The Axe-wielding barbarian is an aggressive build that rushes toward his enemies to crush them with his greataxe. They are tough and simple to use.

Stats Value
Strength 13
Dexterity 13
Constitution 13
Intelligence 8
Charisma 8
Instinct 12
Will 10
Archetype War
Sub-Archetype Rusher
Primary Stat Strength
Secondary Stat Constitution
Evasion Stat Strength

Skill Levels: Athletics 2, Endurance 2, Menace 2, Perseverance 1, Raw Force 3, Stealth 1, Survival 1

Path: Path of Attack

Lesser Talents: Raw Force Adept, Two-Handed Attacker, Durable

Abilities: Cleave, Resist

Weapons: Greataxe, Heavy Throwing Weapon

Armor: Medium Armor

Use the Rush Attack feature to close in on your enemies and hit them hard with your greataxe. The Lesser Talent Two-Handed Attacker allows for reliable damage, Raw Force allows you to wield your weapons using only your Strength Stat, and Durable increases your Vitality, which helps you stay longer in the fight.

Your Ability Cleave is great if you are surrounded, and Resist is a great defensive option to survive heavy damage.

The Greataxe is the Barbarian’s main weapon and source of damage. The Heavy Throwing Weapon is a backup weapon if you cannot reach your enemies with the greataxe. Since it is only one-handed, you can draw it with a free Switch Weapons action by holding the great axe with only one hand. This allows you to react quickly to changes on the battlefield. Your Medium Armor gives you a balance between Evasion and Armor.

Level 2: +1 Instinct, +1 Endurance, Ability Physical Strike, Greater Talent Beyond Human (Strength)

The Greater Talent Beyond Human synergizes with the Lesser Talent Raw Force Adept, basically doubling the bonus it gives to your weapons. The Ability Physical Strike allows you to deal heavy damage with your weapons. Use it on strong foes to end them quickly.

Level 3: +1 Strength, +1 Raw Force, +1 Endurance, Lesser Talent Bolstered Weapon

The Lesser Talent Bolstered Weapon increases your Weapon Damage. It is simple and effective. Increase the damage of your main attack by 50% with the Path of Attack. You’re Made for the Charge feature increases your mobility and makes it even harder for enemies to get away from your Rush Attack.

Battlefield Controller

The Battlefield Controller excels at moving enemies into positions for the rest of their allies to capitalize on. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 13
Dexterity 10
Constitution 13
Intelligence 10
Charisma 8
Instinct 11
Will 12
Archetype Bulwark
Sub-Archetype Enforcer
Primary Stat Constitution
Secondary Stat Strength
Evasion Stat Strength

Skill Levels: Athletics 3, Endurance 3, Menace 3, Perseverance 2, Raw Force 3

Path: Path of Attack

Lesser Talent: Enhanced by Prone, Extended Arsenal (Manipulate Size)

Abilities: Cleave, Pull Chain

Weapons: Large Blunt Weapon, Large Throwing Weapon

Armor: Heavy Armor

This is a weapon-based controller build heavily focused on Enforcing Attacks. This allows you to push enemies on successful attack hits 2m. Any damage multiplier also increases this pushback as well. A Large Blunt Weapon is what we use to hit stuff around, dealing decent damage alongside the pushing effect. Enhanced by Prone further pushes this idea, allowing us to knock enemies down on the ground to support our allies hitting them. Extended Arsenal allows us to pick up Manipulate Size from Nature, which allows us to change our Size or the size of a foe (we’ll often choose ourselves)

Our two Abilities further this idea. Cleave allows us to hit multiple targets at once by making three attacks at different targets. Pull Chain allows us to bring enemies close to us and keep them there for at least one round.

Heavy armor helps us survive beatings we are likely to face as an up-close unit, and with a +2 Armor from Bulwark’s Defense, we can expect to survive most physical attacks just fine.

Level 2: +1 Will, +1 Perseverance, Ability Stone Spirit, Greater Talent Prone Expert

Prone Expert is the big thing at this Level; making enemies we inflict with Prone have 0 m of movement at the start of their turns while they remain Prone. Stone Spirit is a great Buff Ability for us, increasing our Armor and damage and making us immune to being pushed around ourselves. Note Manipulate Size does NOT count as a Buff, so we can stack it with Stone Spirit. This is necessary for pushing around larger targets, but at least it lasts a while!

Level 3: +1 Constitution, +1 Raw Force, +1 Endurance, Lesser Talent Attack of Opportunity

Tier 2! We get Pinning Down, which causes any creature we hit with an attack or ability to have their Basic Movement reduced by 2m until the end of their next turn; great for our Control Gameplan when we can’t Prone everything. As for our Talent, Extended Arsenal allows us to pick up Manipulate Size from Nature, which allows us to change our Size or the size of a foe (we’ll often choose ourselves). Note it does NOT count as a Buff, so we can stack it with Stone Spirit. This is necessary for pushing around larger targets, but at least it lasts a while! Finally, upgrade the Path of Attack to a 150% attack for more damage and pushing goodness!

Heavy Gunner

The Heavy Gunner fires and hits large groups of enemies indiscriminately. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 10
Dexterity 13
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Charisma 10
Instinct 8
Will 13
Archetype War
Sub-Archetype Warrior
Primary Stat Strength
Secondary Stat Constitution
Evasion Stat Strength

Skill Levels: Analysis 2, Computer 3, Deception 1, Engineering 3, History 2, Improvisation 2, Intuition 2, Natural Science 2, Persuasion 1

Path: Path of Attack

Lesser Talents: Fully Armored, Close Combat Shooter, Two-Handed Attacker

Abilities: Explosive Rounds, Resist

Weapons: Minigun

Armor: Heavy Armor

This build is straightforward. Spend our first AP turning on Explosive Rounds, then tear groups of the enemy team to SHREDS with our Attack Action with a 2m cube. The Minigun is one of the few D12 ranged weapons that doesn’t come with Reload, meaning we don’t need Quick Draw, and thus, we can spend our Talents elsewhere. Close Combat Shooter prevents us from gaining disadvantage on ranged attacks if enemies get up in our face, and Two-Handed Attacker improves our damage consistency. Warrior’s Offensive allows us to increase our Attack Rolls or Damage by 2 whenever we Attack. More often than not, we’ll buff our Attack Rolls, though increasing Damage can be effective if we have Attack Roll buffs from another source.

In terms of survivability, we have heavy armor to take hits well, while we have Resist to lower high-damage hits we’d otherwise be unable to survive.

Level 2: +1 Will, +1 Perseverance, Ability Paralyzing Presence, Greater Talent Bullet Spray

A simple level overall. Paralyzing Presence lowers the Evasion of any targets that come within 5m, great for keeping melee enemies off your back. Bullet Spray is the real star of this level, though, granting us the ability to fire area-of-effect attacks with the Minigun innately, 3m in size, at the cost of halving damage dealt. This DOES stack with Explosive Rounds, allowing us to get a 5m area AOE. Pretty great!

Level 3: +1 Strength, +1 Endurance, Lesser Talent Cover Piercer

Tier 2 time! Defensive Assault allows us to gain +2 Armor or Evasion whenever we attack. Choose Armor; our Evasion isn’t all that great anyway. Cover Piercer allows us to ignore cover with AOE attacks, so long as we destroy the cover as part of the attack. This can be quite useful! We can also take the extra 50% damage on Path of Attack to help us hit even harder!


The Knight defends their party through a straightforward shield-based playstyle. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 13
Dexterity 10
Constitution 13
Intelligence 9
Charisma 10
Instinct 12
Will 10
Archetype Bulwark
Sub-Archetype Shield Master
Primary Stat Constitution
Secondary Stat Strength
Evasion Stat Strength

Skill Levels: Athletics 2, Endurance 2, First Aid 1, Perception 2, Persuasion 2, Presence 2, Raw Force 2

Path: Path of Control (Taunt)

Lesser Talent: Raw Force Adept

Abilities: Taunt, Counter

Weapons: One-Handed Sword, Medium Shield, Heavy Throwing Weapon

Armor: Heavy Armor

This build frequently wants to make use of the Defend action to take benefit of the Flexible Shield Feature, allowing us to attack with our Medium Shield whenever we defend. To help ensure our attacks are as accurate as possible, we take the Raw Force Adept Talent, which allows us to use purely Strength to scale all 3 of our Weapon Choices. We use the One-Handed Sword primarily, but we have a Heavy Throwing Weapon to use in case our enemies aren’t quite in range yet for any of our options.

Our two Abilities further our focus on defense; Taunt is our Path of Control option and allows us to get the attention of bigger threats on the board. Our DR Power isn’t particularly high right now, so it might miss more often than we’d like, but it’s still very useful and easy to use. Counter allows us to swing back whenever an enemy misses us with a melee attack, which is very useful since our decently high Evasion and forced disadvantage on all attacks through the Defend action will allow this scenario to come up often.

Finally, our Heavy Armor is our primary defensive measure at Level 1, providing 3 Armor in exchange for a low Evasion Cap (which we don’t care too much about given we have left Dexterity at 10), and we take +1 Evasion and +1 Armor from our Bulwark’s Defense Feature.

Level 2: +1 Intelligence, +1 Raw Force, +1 Athletics, Ability Shield Up, Greater Talent Counter Block

Counter Block allows us to be far more aggressive when Defending, allowing us to perform a counterattack for only 1RP if they miss, and it’s guaranteed to crit if it lands. Shield Up makes it far safer, granting more Armor for only 1AP and 1WP, and it’s cheap to upcast if necessary.

Level 3: +1 Strength, +1 Athletics, +1 Raw Force, Lesser Talent Powerful

This level gives us Offensive Shield, giving our Medium Shield a +2 bonus to damage and attack rolls, making it now STRICTLY better than our One-Handed Sword. As for our Lesser Talent, Powerful makes our Taunt a bit more consistent, which will be helpful against higher-level enemies.

Mobile Archer

The Mobile Archer is a highly mobile ranged attacker capable of significant movement. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 10
Dexterity 13
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Charisma 8
Instinct 13
Will 11
Archetype Cunning
Sub-Archetype Scout
Primary Stat Dexterity
Secondary Stat Instinct
Evasion Stat Instinct

Skill Levels: Endurance 2, Nimbleness 3, Perception 3, Quick Fingers 3, Stealth 3, Street Smarts 3, Survival 3

Path: Path of Attack

Lesser Talent: Footwork, Two-Handed Attacker

Abilities: Charge, Bleed Attack, Combat Roll

Weapons: Short Bow

Armor: Light Armor

Our game plan is simple; move fast and hit reasonably hard! Our Short Bow is our primary form of attack, dealing decent damage and scaling off our Instinct and Dexterity, two stats that also happen to scale our Evasion! However, despite this, we still take Light Armor to help mitigate damage we do take… just in case. Our Lesser Talent, Footwork, grants us a meter of movement before or after an attack, which allows us to avoid the penalties for attacking at point blank and is also just a generally great Talent. Two-Handed Attacker allows us to make our damage more consistent. On top of all of this is EASILY our namesake feature, I Am Speed, which grants +2 Basic Movement and allows us to Climb and Swim at full Basic Movement, which is key to our high mobility.

Abilities! Charge grants us a good WP costed movement boost, and Combat Roll grants us a way to get out of danger if someone gets too close for comfort or if an AOE is causing us issues, and Bleed Attack allows us to inflict Bleeding on hit with an attack.

Level 2: +1 Strength, +1 Athletics, Ability Parry, Greater Talent Twin Shot

Twin Shot is the real winner of this level, allowing us to target 2 enemies with a single attack, though we have Disadvantage that can only be canceled with Advantage. Parry allows us to increase our Evasion to avoid being hit by certain attacks; great if we are in Close Quarters with no way out.

Level 3: +1 Dexterity, +1 Nimbleness, +1 Quick Fingers, Ability Split Barrage, Lesser Talent Quick to Act

Tier 2! With it is Sprinter, which gives us double our Basic Movement at the start of our turn, making our movement effectively 10 m with no further bonuses! Pretty great. Quick to Act boosts our Initiative so that we are not only a fast runner but also fast to react. We get a second attack courtesy of Path of Attack. This allows us to trigger Footwork multiple times in a round, allowing us to stay highly mobile. Finally, our Ability of choice is Spilt Barrage, which helps us if we are greatly outnumbered.


The Pyromancer bombarded their enemies with fire, burning them to a crisp. They can deal a lot of heat damage and are a classical caster glass cannon type.

Stats Value
Strength 9
Dexterity 11
Constitution 9
Intelligence 13
Charisma 12
Instinct 10
Will 13
Archetype Mental
Sub-Archetype Evoker
Primary Stat Intelligence
Secondary Stat Will
Evasion Stat Intelligence

Skill Levels: Analysis 2, History 2, Improvisation 2, Intuition 2, Natural Science 2, Persuasion 2, Presence 2, Quick Fingers 3, Supernatural 3

Path: Path of Damage (Elemental Bolt (Heat))

Lesser Talents: Elemental Expert (Heat)

Abilities: Elemental Bolt (Heat), Heat Eruption, Manipulate Fire, Elemental Rebuke (Heat)

Weapons: None

Armor: Clothes

Your Tracking Fire Feature allows for reliable damage even if you miss with your Abilities. The Lesser Talent Elemental Expert allows you to better damage creatures that are resistant or even immune to Heat damage. The Path of Damage allows you to have a backup attack if you run out of WP or just want to use it sparingly. Your Mental Recharge feature makes Stimulants far more effective. Remember to buy or craft some so that can keep on blasting.

Your Ability Elemental Bolt is great for dealing damage to enemies from a distance, Heat Eruption is good against groups of enemies, Manipulate Fire is great for getting a fire under control and can be used creatively for roleplay, and Elemental Rebuke is a good deterrent against enemies that like to target you.

The Pyromancer’s high Intelligence Stat grants them a lot of Skill Points. They have an array of mental Skills that can be useful outside of combat. You can use Supernatural to craft Stimulants.

Level 2: +1 Instinct, +1 Analysis, Abilities Elemental Touch (Heat), Elemental Bane, Greater Talent Advanced Heat Damage

The Greater Talent Advanced Heat Damage allows you to give anything you target with Heat damage the Status Effect Burning, which allows for additional damage over time. The Ability Elemental Touch is a good emergency option if an enemy gets too close. Elemental Bane allows for even more Heat damage, and in combination with the Lesser Talent Elemental Expert, it allows you to completely ignore the immunity of creatures against Heat damage.

Level 3: +1 Intelligence, +1 Analysis, +1 Natural Science, +1 Supernatural, Abilities Elemental Explosion (Heat), Immolation, Lesser Talent Will to Act

The Ability Elemental Explosion allows you to cover a huge area and burn down hordes of enemies. Immolation combines with the Greater Talent Advanced Heat damage. First, you light them up with Elemental Bolt and then deal heavy damage with Immolation. The Lesser Talent Will to Act gives you more WP, allowing you to spend it more freely. Your Precision and Power feature increases your damage if you hit your targets and increases your precision if you miss them.


The Rifleman makes use of cover and high mobility to ensure they are always dealing consistent damage from long-range. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 11
Dexterity 13
Constitution 11
Intelligence 9
Charisma 10
Instinct 13
Will 10
Archetype War
Sub-Archetype Trooper
Primary Stat Dexterity
Secondary Stat Constitution
Evasion Stat Strength

Skill Levels: First Aid 2, Nimbleness 3, Perception 3, Quick Fingers 3, Survival 2

Path: Path of Attack

Lesser Talents: Quick Draw, Two-Handed Attacker, Bolstered Weapon

Abilities: Charge, Quick Cover

Weapon: Rifle

Armor: Medium Armor

Your three Talents help you excel at using your Rifle. Quick Draw allows you to ignore the Reload Property on the Rifle. Two-Handed Attacker allows you to roll damage twice and take the better result. Bolstered Weapon causes you to do a little more damage with your Rifle. These all combine into a reliable weapon when used in conjunction with…

Cover Fire! This is the key to this playstyle, basically granting a huge +4 attack roll bonus so long as we have half cover or use the Taking Cover Action. To help accomplish this, our two Abilities help us get into situations where we can use it. Charge grants us a huge burst of movement that can allow us to get to cover. Quick Cover allows us to use the Taking Cover action for free whenever we want to use Charge but still attack on the same turn with the bonus.

Our Rifle is a straightforward but effective weapon that scales off Dexterity, while our Medium Armor is good for ensuring we have a fair bit of Armor should we get hit but still being evasive enough to benefit from Taking Cover. We have a One-Handed Sword in case we are ever forced into melee combat.

Level 2: +1 Constitution, +1 Athletics, Ability Precision Attack, Greater Talent Over Aim

Over Aim is an incredible Talent for our very high attack roll build, allowing us to get a Critical Hit should we roll 10 above the target’s Evasion, which is great against low Evasion targets. To help us push this advantage, we also get Precision Attack, which allows us to spend a single WP on an attack to get a +3 to hit.

Level 3: +1 Dexterity, +1 Nimbleness, +1 Quick Fingers, Lesser Talent Critical Piercer

Tier 2 is here, and with it is Cover Expert, ensuring we always get the bonus Evasion and DR from Taking Cover. We also get to boost our damage with attacks by 50% thanks to Path of Attack. As for our Talent, Critical Piercer allows us to completely ignore Armor whenever we critically hit someone, wonderful for our crit-focused build.

Straightforward Healer

The Straightforward Healer is one of the simplest healers you can build, with tools for any situation. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 8
Dexterity 13
Constitution 11
Intelligence 13
Charisma 8
Instinct 11
Will 13
Archetype Mental
Sub-Archetype Healer
Primary Stat Intelligence
Secondary Stat Will
Evasion Stat Intelligence.

Skill Levels: First Aid 2, Grace 2, Intuition 2, Medicine 3, Nimbleness 1, Perseverance 3, Persuasion 2, Quick Fingers 3, Quick Fingers 3, Street Smarts 2

Path: Path of Healing (Ranged Heal)

Lesser Talent: Overcharge

Abilities: Ranged Heal, Heal Area, Shield, Elemental Cleanse

Weapon: Pistol

Armor: Clothes

The Overcharge Talent permits your Healing Abilities to be overcharged to heal just that little bit more and also scales the Path of Healing, making it an obvious choice for a healing build. This works well with Hands of a Healer, especially at level 1, as it lets you cross into Tier 2 Healing earlier than usual, making your heals all the more potent.

The Ability Ranged Heal is used whenever one of your allies is low on HP, while Heal Area is used whenever multiple allies are, though they’ll have to group up. Shield is great for providing mitigation against damage for those who don’t need the regular heal, while Elemental Cleanse can get rid of any Elemental Statuses, like Poisoned and Burning. Remember that whenever you use any of these, you also get the benefits of Hands of a Healer, providing either a little more Vitality or Temporary Vitality, depending on the Tier.

You have the Pistol as a weapon but only use it when absolutely necessary; it has the Reload property, meaning it costs all 3AP of your turn to fire. Consider getting Automated Reloader later to remove that property. You wear Clothes, and though you are at the evasion cap, try to stay out of danger, as it can be risky to get too close.

Level 2: +1 Instinct, +1 First Aid, Abilities Armor Boost and Debuff Cleanse, Greater Talent Overhealing

Overhealing is the true showstopper for this healer build; it basically always allows you to select Vitality for Hands of a Healer since any leftover Vitality from the heal will automatically convert to Temporary Vitality. Armor Boost allows you to provide a bit more practical protection to yourself and your allies, while Debuff Cleanse is good for getting rid of enemy Debuffs.

Level 3: +1 Intelligence, +1 Medicine, +1 Perseverance, +1 First Aid, Abilities Superior Cleanse and Enhance Stat, Lesser Talent Will to Act

Healer gets For You And Me this Level, providing us a touch of healing whenever they heal someone. With Will to Act as the Lesser Talent, we get a touch more WP per Level. Superior Cleanse allows us to remove all Statuses and Debuffs, while Enhance Stat allows you to boost one Stat of an ally significantly.

Complexity 2


The Assassin is not above fighting dirty, striking from the shadows for heavy single-target crit damage.

Stats Value
Strength 10
Dexterity 13
Constitution 9
Intelligence 13
Charisma 12
Instinct 12
Will 9
Archetype Cunning
Sub-Archetype Rogue
Primary Stat Dexterity
Secondary Stat Intelligence
Evasion Stat Intelligence

Skill Levels: Deception 2, Disguising 2, Improvisation 3, Luck 3, Nimbleness 3, Perception 1, Psychology 1, Quick Fingers 3, Stealth 3, Street Smarts 2

Path: Path of Attack

Lesser Talent: Dirty Fighter, One-Handed Precision

Abilities: Assassination Strike, Smoke Grenade, Thermal Vision

Weapons: Dagger, Light Throwing Weapon

Armor: Light Armor

With the help of the Lesser Talent Dirty Fighter, you can take the Hide and Blind action with just 1 AP. This allows you to gain easy access to advantage on your attacks. This combines greatly with the Decisive Strike feature that allows you to deal more damage when you have advantage on an attack. The Cunning Skill feature makes it even more likely that you can succeed with those actions by improving your Skill Checks. One-Handed Precision increases your hit chance with your weapons, so you are almost guaranteed to hit your target.

The Ability Assassination Strike allows you to deal massive crit damage when attacking while being hidden. Smoke Grenade allows you to blind enemies and hide right in front of them. Use Thermal Vision to be able to see through your own Smoke Grenades.

You have a Dagger and a Light Throwing Weapon. You can hold them both at the same time, so you can always just switch between melee and ranged combat. You wear light armor having a greater focus on Evasion than Armor.

Level 2: +1 Instinct, +1 Street Smarts, Ability Feint, Greater Talent Multi-Sub-Archetype 1 (Ninja)

The Moving through Shadows feature that you gain from the Ninja Sub-Archetype allows you to move far more effectively in darkness by increasing your speed and allowing you to see in it. The Ability Feint is another great source of gaining advantage on your attacks.

Level 3: +1 Dexterity, +1 Stealth, +1 Quick Fingers, Ability Snake Spirit, Lesser Talent Stealth Adept

The Lesser Talent Stealth Adept allows you to deal even more damage when you are hidden. The Ability Snake Spirit increases your crit chance and allows you to deal additional Poison damage that can help bypass a target’s armor. It is simple and effective. Increase the damage of your main attack by 50% with the Path of Attack. Your Before You Know feature allows for a devastating first round that guarantees critical hits if you have advantage on your attacks.

Battle Mage

The Battle Mage is a controller mage that shuts enemies down and blasts them with a frigid blast when they’re most vulnerable.

Stats Value
Strength 8
Dexterity 13
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Charisma 10
Instinct 10
Will 13
Archetype Mental
Sub-Archetype Controller
Primary Stat Intelligence
Secondary Stat Will
Evasion Stat Intelligence

Skill Levels: Analysis 2, Grace 2, History 2, Intuition 2, Nimbleness 2, Perception 1, Perseverance 2, Quick Fingers 2, Street Smarts 2, Supernatural 3

Path: Path of Control (Slippery Ground)

Lesser Talents: Powerful

Abilities: Slippery Ground, Smoke Grenade, Sticky Grenade, Cold Eruption

Weapons: Long Staff

Armor: Clothes

The Battle Mage is a classic Controller, making use of its T1, Weighted Control, to lower the Basic Movement speed of enemies using their Control Abilities. This allows them to hold the enemies down relatively easily.

Slippery Ground is great for holding down an area from fast targets, with a chance to knock Prone, which is part of why it’s a reliable Path of Control choice. Smoke Grenade is our Ranged denial; blocking line of sight. It also is a reliable way to inflict Weighted Control, if not particularly interesting. Sticky Grenade is our option to lock down slower targets. While they can likely break free relatively easily, it will keep them from doing anything for at least one round, which is a win. Cold Eruption is our primary damage source, dealing an AOE of Cold damage and slowing on hit, which is solid for keeping faster opponents from going places. Be careful; these are all AOEs, which means your allies can be affected too.

Powerful is a straightforward but effective Lesser Talent that enhances all of our Control Abilities capabilities to succeed, locking enemies down more consistently. Clothes and a Long Staff mean we’ll have to keep our range; we’re as squishy as the character archetype that inspired this build.

Level 2: +1 Constitution, +1 Perception, Abilities Weaken Stat and Defense Breaker Mode, Greater Talent Mighty

Mighty provides a simple +2 to DR Power, which will do wonders to make them more consistent and more easily activate Weighted Control. For Abilities, we’ve got Defense Breaker Mode, for when we REALLY want something to fail their save, and Weaken Stat, which allows us to do targeted DR lowering, which can be helpful to land key Abilities. While neither are Control Abilities, they can be useful to setup into your Control Abilities.

Level 3: +1 Intelligence, +1 Supernatural, +1 Perseverance, +1 Perception, +1 Intuition, Abilities Restrain Enemy and Sticky Ground, Lesser Talent Will to Act

Tier 2! With it comes Battlefield Optimization, where the Controller truly comes into its own, being able to lower one of Evasion, Armor, or, most crucially, DRs whenever one of your Control Abilities lands until the end of your next turn. This enables you to push your control advantage quickly. Restrain Enemy allows you to Restrain an enemy, preventing it from moving or doing anything, which can be incredibly crippling. Sticky Ground is our AoE control for this level, which locks down even better than Slippery Ground, but is more costly to compensate. Will to Act provides a bit more Willpower, which is helpful for using our Control Abilities more frequently.

Expert of Many Trades

The Expert of Many Trades can use many Skills very effectively. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 8
Dexterity 12
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Charisma 12
Instinct 12
Will 10
Archetype Cunning
Sub-Archetype Expert
Primary Stat Dexterity
Secondary Stat Intelligence
Evasion Stat Intelligence

Skill Levels: Analysis 1, Animal Handling 1, Computers 2, Deception 1, Disguising 1, Engineering 1, Engineering 1, First Aid 1, Grace 1, History 2, Improvisation 1, Intuition 1, Lockpicking 2, Luck 1, Medicine 2, Natural Science 2, Nimbleness 1, Perception 1, Persuasion 2, Presence 1, Psychology 1, Quick Fingers 1, Stealth 2, Street Smarts 1, Supernatural 2, Survival 1, Vehicle Handling 1

Path: Path of Skill

Lesser Talent: Skillful

Abilities: Store Information, Blessed Skill, Lesser Invisibility

Weapons: Pistol, Dagger, Light Shield

Armor: Light Armor

You are a Skill character first and foremost, which is best represented by Skillful, giving you a +1 to all Skill Checks, meaning you are NEVER below 0 on any skill, even the Strength-based ones. Since our Skills are so spread out, we also get to take advantage of the extra d4 given to us by Cunning frequently on Skills we have at least one point in. Path of Skill will give us an additional Skill Point per Level as well, which is great for making our Skills even better! We also have a higher Skill Level cap, meaning we can invest in Skills we like early.

Our Abilities help us with Skills. Blessed Skill gives us another +1 to Skill Checks for only 2WP, and we can upcast it to make it even better! Store Information is a neat utility that allows us to record anything within 5 m, which is useful for many situations. Finally is Lesser Invisibility, which can allow us to avoid dangerous situations; we are NOT a combat character!

Though we are armed with a Pistol, Dagger, and Light Shield, we use these only as an ABSOLUTE LAST RESORT. In particular, the Pistol comes with Reload, which means using it is a HUGE investment. We should look to apply ourselves to situations in a way that will prevent us from getting attacked, to begin with.

Level 2: +1 Dexterity, +1 History, +1 Perseverance, Ability Smoke Grenade, Greater Talent Studied Individual (+1 Analysis, +1 Computers, +1 Engineering, +1 Medicine, +1 Natural Science, +1 Psychology, +1 Supernatural)

A pretty straightforward Level all in all; we focus on jacking up our Skills by getting Studied Individual, giving us 9 Skill Points this level. We spend them all on making our Intelligence Skills very strong, allowing us to think our way through problems. Smoke Grenade gives us a way to help a bit in combat, blinding foes within a cloud with no save. Useful for getting out of bad situations!

Level 3: +1 Intelligence, +4 Luck, Ability Acquire Information, Lesser Talent Luck Adept

This level gives us Very Reliable, allowing any skill that we have Level 3 or higher able to be treated as a roll of 3 at the very least. With our high Intelligence Skills, this means we auto succeed at all Medium or harder checks guaranteed! By picking up Luck Adept at this Level as well and investing it all the way to 5, we can effectively do a successful Difficult Check 5 times a rest as well! As for our Ability, Acquire Information allows us to… get information! It’s very useful in a wide variety of scenarios.

Lightning Monk

The Lightning Monk makes use of Shield to stay in melee range while being evasive and dealing damage. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 8
Dexterity 13
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Charisma 8
Instinct 13
Will 13
Archetype Unarmed
Sub-Archetype Sage
Primary Stat Will
Secondary Stat Instinct
Evasion Stat Instinct

Skill Levels: Endurance 3, History 1, Intuition 3, Perception 2, Perseverance 3, Quick Fingers 1, Supernatural 1

Path: Path of Attack

Lesser Talents: Multi-Wielder, Enduring Effects, Will to Act

Abilities: Shield, Elemental Bolt (Shock), Elemental Surge (Shock), Teleportation, Supernatural Vision, Balanced Spirit

Weapons: Unarmed

Armor: Clothes

As an Unarmed, you get a d10 Unarmed attack and may change the Primary and Secondary Stat of any weapon you wield with Constitution, Will, Intelligence, Instinct, or Charisma. We choose Will for our Primary Stat on Unarmed Attacks, as it is going to be our highest stat for this build more frequently. Finally, we take Will to Act for a bit more WP per Level; we use plenty in this build!

Our build is HEAVILY reliant on our Abilities. We’ll be using those that require 1 AP, in particular LOTS, since we’ll often want to be attacking in the same round we are swinging. Shield is our most useful filler, giving us Temporary Vitality to survive up close. Teleportation allows us to get us or an ally in. Balanced Spirit makes our Shield even better and gives us a bit more OOMPH to our attacks whilst making us resist the effects of a Status or Debuff. Supernatural Vision is a very useful out-of-combat tool, though we won’t use it in combat. Elemental Bolt and Surge (Shock) are there when we cannot get in or if an enemy is too evasive to hit; it gives us an offensive option as a last resort.

Despite being Unarmed, our damage is respectable thanks to Multi-Wielder, which allows us to attack twice per attack action with the second attack at a -1 penalty. Our Clothes leave us highly evasive, but getting hit will hurt; try to ensure you have Temporary Vitality when you do!

Level 2: +1 Constitution, +1 Supernatural, Ability Parry, Greater Talent Preventive Shielding

Preventive Shielding is what makes this build work; basically, whenever we Shield ourselves or an ally, we provide them +3 Armor, Evasion, or DR! Crazy. We’ll typically boost our Evasion to make us highly evasive against attacks, but don’t be afraid to boost DR or Armor either! Parry helps our evasiveness, granting us +4 Evasion whenever we’d be hit.

Level 3: +1 Will, +1 Perseverance, +1 Endurance, Ability Multi Shield, Lesser Talent Overcharge

Tier 2! With it comes Ki-Filled Weapons, which adds 1d8 of any damage type (probably Shock when you are not worried about Weaknesses/Resistances) to our attacks. Ideally, this will cause an extra 2d8 per round, one on each of our Unarmed Hits! Speaking of Tier 2, Path of Attack allows us to make our second Unarmed Attacks deal normal damage. The Ability we take this Level is Multi Shield, allowing us to target three allies and give them Temporary Vitality, working really well with Preventive Shielding. We finish it off with Overcharge, which allows us to up-cast Abilities by 1 more WP!


The Wizard has a wide variety of Utility Abilities to help solve problems. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 8
Dexterity 13
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Charisma 8
Instinct 12
Will 13
Archetype Mental
Sub-Archetype Thinker
Primary Stat Intelligence
Secondary Stat Will
Evasion Stat Intelligence

Skill Levels: History 2, Improvisation 3, Intuition 3, Luck 2, Perception 2, Perseverance 3, Supernatural 3, Survival 2

Path: Path of Utility (Illusion)

Lesser Talent: Supernatural Adept

Abilities: Telekinetic, Illusion, Generate Light, Elemental Bolt (Cold)

Weapons: Long Staff

Armor: Clothes

We are primarily a Utility Caster, defined best by our Feature Thinkers Toolbox, which lowers to cost of all Utility Abilities by 1! We start with 3 Utility Abilities at Level 1; Telekinetic allows us to move Small- or smaller objects around as a 1AP action, which is pretty great for moving useful items. Generate Light generates… light. Illusion is perhaps our most interesting option, as it is our first Path of Utility choice, allowing us to cast it once a turn for free (though we cannot upcast it)! This allows us to create an illusion, which allows us to perform a lot of fun tricks. We also have the Lesser Talent Supernatural Adept, which allows us to sense any Supernatural Energy within 5m of us, providing even more utility.

We aren’t a damage dealer, but we do have a couple of damage options. We have a Long Staff we can swing, but we’d prefer not to use it. Instead, we have Elemental Bolt (Cold) to deal damage primarily. Thanks to most of our Level 1 options being free to cast in their base forms (either through Thinkers Toolbox or Path of Utility), this allows us to have a safe projectile option we can throw out from range. We don’t have any ways out currently, however, and since our armor is only Clothes, getting hit WILL hurt. Try to avoid that if possible!

Level 2: +1 Instinct, +1 History, Abilities Safe Fall and Teleportation, Greater Talent Multi-Sub-Archetype 1 (Problem Solver’s Got Something for EverythingAlarm Sensor and Supernatural Vision)

This level grants us a TON of Abilities largely thanks to our Greater Talent choice, Multi-Sub-Archetype for Problem Solver’s Got Something for Everything. This basically gives us an additional Utility Ability for every Level we gain, so two right now and two more from this Level itself! Safe Fall allows us to get off very high heights safely by preventing fall damage. Teleportation allows us to teleport ourselves or our allies around. Alarm Sensor provides us with a bunch of roleplay opportunities, setting up traps for various foes. Finally, Supernatural Vision provides Supernatural Vision to ourselves or an ally.

Level 3: +1 Intelligence, +1 Perseverance, +1 Improvisation, +1 Supernatural, Abilities Manipulate Metal, Manipulate Earth, and Elemental Ray (Shock), Lesser Talent Spell Book

Tier 2 is here, and with it is Quick to Use, allowing us to use Utility Abilities that would cost 2 or 3 AP for only 1 AP! This is great, as it allows us to perform multiple Utilities in a single turn! As for our Talent, Spellbook allows us to learn more Abilities by spending our Credits. We aren’t really interested in improving our weapon anyways, so having a good place to put some of our Credits is a good idea.

As for Abilities, there are LOADS we can do at this level. First, we have our free Path of Utility choice for this Tier, and we’ll be taking Manipulate Metal as one of our Abilities to fill it, a super fun Ability that does what it says on the tin and is quite useful for a variety of purposes. We’ll also take Manipulate Earth, which works similarly, but for earth. Finally, we’ll go ahead and take Elemental Ray (Shock) as a bit of an AOE damage option for when we REALLY want to bring the pain to a group of enemies.

Complexity 3

Battle Smith

The Battle Smith is a competent melee combatant that can also Craft Weapons, Armor, and Equipment quite effectively. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 13
Dexterity 10
Constitution 13
Intelligence 13
Charisma 8
Instinct 10
Will 10
Archetype Technology
Sub-Archetype Artisan
Primary Stat Intelligence
Secondary Stat Strength
Evasion Stat Intelligence

Skill Levels: Athletics 3, Endurance 3, Engineering 3, Perseverance 3, Persuasion 3, Quick Fingers 2, Raw Force 3

Path: Path of Attack

Lesser Talents: Fully Armored, Two-Handed Attacker

Abilities: Heat Strike, Blessed Skill, Grappling Hook

Weapons: Large Blunt Weapon (Precise Weapon), Large Throwing Weapon (Precise Weapon)

Armor: Heavy Armor (Extra Armor)

As an Artisan, Craftsmanship allows us to cheaply and quickly upgrade non-consumables, and all T0 items can be upgraded with a T1 upgrade for free! This means our starter gear starts at T1 with a T1 upgrade. Our weapons have Precise Weapon to ensure we hit frequently. Our Armor comes with Extra Armor to protect us better. Our Equipment comes with Engineer’s Crafting Kit to make our crafting even cheaper. Finally, our Bag comes with Material Generator to help make some free material for crafting purposes. We also have the Ability Blessed Skill to help serve a more utility role out of combat or to gather things better.

We’re no slouch in combat, either! Fully Armored allows us to start with Heavy Armor and get into combat with Grappling Hook to swing with our Large Blunt Weapon! If we need to turn up the heat, we can use Heat Strike to deal more damage. We have a Large Throwing Weapon for backup as well. Two-Handed Attacker is a straightforward Lesser Talent that makes our damage with both our weapons more reliable.

Level 2: +1 Will, +1 Quick Fingers, Ability Heat Shockwave, Greater Talent Engineer Craftsmanship

Engineer Craftsmanship comes in at a great time, allowing us to increase the Evasion Cap or Armor of armor or damage or attack Rolls of weapons we’ve crafted or upgraded. This is a great overall buff! For our Armor, take the +1 Armor. As for our Weapons, we’ll take increased Damage to make our attacks more potent. Our Ability of choice for this level is Heat Shockwave, allowing us to hit a group of enemies and potentially start Burning them.

Level 3: +1 Strength, +1 Engineering, +1 Endurance, Ability Barrier, Lesser Talent Upgrade Recycler

Tier 2 has arrived, and with it the feature Self-Made, which allows us to increase the damage or attack rolls of attacks with weapons we crafted or upgraded by their Tier. For us… probably higher damage, so we can prioritize simple but effective weapon swinging. This also enhances our equipment’s Damage, DR Power, Attack Rolls, or Healing with our Abilities. In our case, we’ll be taking DR Power in order to help Heat Shockwave keep up. With Upgrade Recycler, we can quickly change our Upgrades to adapt to different situations.

We increase the damage of our First Attack at this level to 150% with Path of Attack. Finally, our Ability of choice is Barrier, which allows us to protect ourselves and our allies.

Control Bomber

The Control Bomber focuses on controlling large areas of space with powerful Grenade Abilities. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Charisma 9
Instinct 10
Will 13
Archetype Demolition
Sub-Archetype Chemist
Primary Stat Intelligence
Secondary Stat Will
Evasion Stat Intelligence

Skill Levels: First Aid 2, Improvisation 2, Medicine 2, Natural Science 3, Nimbleness 2, Perception 2, Perseverance 2, Quick Fingers 2

Path: Path of Control (Sticky Grenade)

Lesser Talent: Powerful

Abilities: Sticky Grenade, Burn Grenade, Heat Eruption

Weapons: Mini Elemental Launcher, Energy Blade

Armor: Light Armor

The Control Bomber is an Ability Control character, best described by Path of Control’s choice, Sticky Grenade! This allows us to cast it for free once a turn, always ensuring we have at least one Control option. Combined with Lasting Gas and Bigger Demolition, we can cover an area in a forced save against Grabbed (7 to escape right now). Nice! Our DR Power is increased by Powerful to ensure this occurs more frequently.

As for our other two Abilities, Burn Grenade covers an area in a forced save against Burning, which can deal a LOT of damage very quickly if enemies don’t deal with it. For those times when we just want something dead, we have Heat Eruption as a damaging AOE that does good damage. Rely mostly on Burn Grenade and Sticky Grenade, though. Those are our bread and butter!

We do have a Mini Elemental Launcher and Energy Blade, but they aren’t our primary forms of damage, especially given that Mini Elemental Launcher has Reload. Light Armor keeps us reasonably evasive while giving us a bit of Armor as well.

Level 2: +1 Dexterity, +1 Perserverance, Ability Weaken Stat, Greater Talent Mighty

Very simple Level here. We take Mighty to increase our DR Power by 2, making our already potent saves even more dangerous. We also take Weaken Stat, a Debuff with no save that lowers a Stat by 3, useful for when we want a particular DR lower.

Level 3: +1 Intelligence, +1 Perseverance, +1 Natural Science, +1 Improvisation, Ability Restraining Grenade, Lesser Talent Changing Tactics

Tier 2 is here, and with it is Toxic Fumes, allowing us to tack on a bit of extra damage to anyone within our Lasting Gas areas equal to our Primary Stat Bonus (currently 4), even ignoring Armor! This isn’t anything fancy, but it’s nice to have, allowing us to chip in even when we don’t have any more WP to spend on our fancier Abilities.

As for our Lesser Talent, Changing Tactics allows us to upcast our Abilities that force DRs by 1 to change the Stats of DRs they have to make, allowing us to target the weakest DR of a target more easily. Very useful!

Our Ability this Level is Restraining Grenade, our most potent grenade option, straight up denying any actions. It’s our most expensive Grenade, so use it wisely. Remember, it benefits from Lasting Gas, which means we can force the save over and over again if they fail, keeping them stuck in there until they can make a save, with disadvantage on every save after the first.

Energy Fighter

The Energy Fighter uses weapons and Abilities together in a glorious weave of destruction. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 10
Dexterity 13
Constitution 12
Intelligence 13
Charisma 8
Instinct 8
Will 13
Archetype Technology
Sub-Archetype Battle-Engineer
Primary Stat Intelligence
Secondary Stat Dexterity
Evasion Stat Intelligence

Skill Levels: Analysis 1, Computers 3, Endurance 3, Engineering 3, History 1, Improvisation 2, Nimbleness 2, Perseverance 3, Quick Fingers 2

Path: Path of Damage (Elemental Bolt)

Lesser Talent: Rainbow of Destruction

Abilities: Elemental Bolt (Shock), Charge, Barrier

Weapons: Long Energy Blade (Shock, Precise Weapon)

Armor: Light Armor

Equipment: Equipment (Ability Support)

We have two primary methods of dealing damage in this build; throwing out Elemental Bolts and using our Long Energy Blade in melee combat. We can change the damage type of Elemental Bolt through Rainbow of Destruction, allowing us to freely use any Elemental Damage type, which will prove exceptionally useful against foes with Shock Elemental Resistances or Elemental Weaknesses against other Elements. Alongside Elemental Bolt being our Path of Damage choice, this makes it a highly reliable form of damage.

Charge allows us to get in an advantages position, be it close or far from enemies. Barrier is a great defensive option to protect us and our allies by temporarily increasing our armor against attacks.

The Long Energy Blade is a straightforward Elemental melee weapon that can hit reasonably hard, and light armor gives us a bit of Armor with a higher focus on Evasion.

Level 2: +1 Constitution, +1 Nimbleness, Ability Shield, Greater Talent Melee Mage

This Level helps define our close-range focus, giving us Melee Mage, allowing us to convert our Ranged Ability Attacks (notably Elemental Bolt) to Melee Ability Attacks with a range of 1 m. In addition, all of our Abilities within 1 m have +1 DR Power and +3 Ability Hit, making our Bolts surprisingly lethal in close combat. To help us survive there, we take Shield, which can provide us with a chunk of Temporary Vitality to keep us going in longer engagements.

Level 3: +1 Intelligence, +1 Computers, +1 Engineering, +1 Perseverance, Ability Shock Shockwave, Lesser Talent Precise

Tier 2 is here! With it, we have reached the proper form of this build as well, introducing Weapon Charges. Basically, this provides us charges whenever we use an Ability (yes, any Ability) equal to the Tier of the Ability used (this DOES work on Path of Damage, giving us 2 whenever we use Elemental Bolt), and we can have up to our Intelligence Stat Bonus in them (4 right now). When we hit an enemy with our Blade, we expend all of them to deal 1d10 per charge of Elemental or Physical Damage. This is a big deal.

Precise grants us more reliability in landing our attacks, making us more consistent at landing our attacks. The Ability Shock Shockwave helps us deal with multiple enemies at once.

Experimental Mixer

The Experimental Mixer can craft and use Ability Consumables and Items better than anyone else. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 13
Dexterity 13
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Charisma 8
Instinct 10
Will 10
Archetype Technology
Sub-Archetype Alchemist
Primary Stat Intelligence
Secondary Stat Strength
Evasion Stat Intelligence

Skill Levels: Athletics 1, Endurance 3, First Aid 2, History 1, Luck 2, Medicine 2, Natural Science 3, Nimbleness 2, Persuasion 1, Quick Fingers 2, Street Smarts

Path: Path of Crafting

Lesser Talent: Scientist Craft

Abilities: Physical Eruption, Elemental Bolt (Heat), Simple Heal

Weapons: Hand Cannon, One-Handed Sword

Starting Consumables: Precision Dynamite (Physical Eruption) x2, Fire Bomb (4WP Elemental Bolt, Heat) x6, Healing Elixir (4WP Simple Heal) x2

Armor: Medium Armor

We are a crafter, focusing on the creation of Ability Consumables and Items (usually the former). We cut the price and time for making said items by a quarter thanks to a mix of Path of Crafting and Experimental Mixtures, and we can simply create any Ability Item or Ability Consumables from any Abilities we can learn, even Maneuver Abilities! To help get more OOMPH out of our consumables and Ability Items, Scientist Craft gives us d4 extra WP to Upcast them, making them far more potent. This build comes with 10 total consumables to start with. 6 of them are Fire Bombs, which are straightforward damage dealers with Elemental Bolt (Heat). Precision Dynamite is our primary AOE damage dealer, dealing damage to up to 4 targets in a 5m cube as per Physical Eruption. Healing Elixirs are our primary, straightforward Heal, recovering HP within 1m as per Simple Heal. We have all of these as starter Abilities too, but we often want to be using Consumables instead whenever possible.

4WP Consumables are relatively cheap for us, only costing 25 credits per consumable. Those should be our bread and butter in the early game! That being said, don’t be afraid to share consumables! They’re usable by everyone. It’s just that we’re better at using them. Consider making some Ability Items for cheaper Abilities as well. Natural Science is our main Crafting skill, and we’ll be trying to keep it as high as possible. Be sure to try and find materials; they’re our only way of crafting in the early game.

We do have a Hand Cannon and One-Handed Sword for when we are totally out of consumables and WP, but we should avoid that; we simply aren’t built for using them effectively. Finally, we have Medium Armor to keep us safe from damage reasonably effectively, both Evasively and Armor wise.

Level 2: +1 Will, +1 Medicine, Abilities Armor Boost, Greater Talent Scientist Craftsmanship

BIG level for us. Scientist Craftsmanship gives us a chance whenever we craft or upgrade anything to get an additional Consumable of the same tier! This is REALLY powerful, as it can effectively double the value of any Consumable we craft by making another. VERY powerful. At this level, we really want to start giving our allies consumables. Also, consider crafting Bigger Bag, which will increase your carrying capacity to allow you to carry more Consumables.

As for our Ability, Armor Boost is a straightforward buff to give extra Armor, which can help mitigate damage.

Level 3: +1 Intelligence, +1 Natural Science, +1 Medicine, +1 First Aid, Ability Evasion Capper, Lesser Talent Money Crafter

Tier 2 has arrived! With Always In Stock, which gives us 2 consumables of our current Tier – 1 per full rest or 1 consumable after a short rest, though only we can use them. This is nice but not overly fancy. Money Crafter allows us to use our Credits to craft and upgrade, which allows us to convert money we would use for our Weapons into consumables, which is a far better use for us.

As for our Ability, Evasion Capper is a nasty debuff that allows us to significantly lower the Evasion of a target, useful for when they are dodging our valuable Consumables.

Gadget User

The Gadget User makes use of a wide range of Abilities to help them cause issues for enemies and solve problems for allies. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 8
Dexterity 13
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Charisma 13
Instinct 10
Will 10
Archetype Creative
Sub-Archetype Problem Solver
Primary Stat Charisma
Secondary Stat Dexterity
Evasion Stat Charisma

Skill Levels: Analysis 2, Athletics 2, Deception 2, Disguising 2, Endurance 2, Grace 2, Improvisation 3, Lockpicking 2, Nimbleness 1, Persuasion 2, Stealth 3

Path: Path of Attack

Lesser Talents: Quick Draw, Will to Act

Abilities: Elemental Surge (Heat), Store Information, Grappling Hook, Summon Item, Desperate Heal, Blessed Skill, Lesser Invisibility

Weapons: Pistol

Armor: Light Armor

We Got Something for Everything! No, seriously, that’s the name of our Problem Solver feature. That gives us an extra Utility Ability at every Level. It doesn’t seem like much right now, but when stacked with Creative Improvisation, it leads to us having MANY Abilities. We’re also surprisingly good at Skills thanks to our high Intelligence, so we’ll be taking a lot of Skills as well.

Elemental Surge (Heat) is there as a kind of “surprise laser” we can use to surprise our enemies. Store Information is a great roleplay Ability that allows us to record anything! Grappling Hook grants us solid mobility. Summon Item allows us to get any item we want, another solid roleplay Ability. Desperate Heal allows us to save our allies as a bit of an emergency healer. Blessed Skill allows us to temporarily become better at all Skill Checks. And finally, Lesser Invisibility allows us to sneak around.

We are no slouches in combat, either! We got a Pistol and Light Armor, which will allow us to make use of Summon Item in combat more effectively (since that item will likely take up a hand). Thanks to Quick Draw, we also don’t have to deal with the Pistol’s Reload. Just try to stay in cover; getting hit hurts!

Level 2: +1 Will, +1 Lockpicking, Abilities Alarm Sensor, Night Vision, Thermal Vision, Sticky Grenade, Flash Grenade, Barrier Greater Talent Multi-Sub-Archetype 1 (Agent’s Agent’s Arsenal)

Agents Arsenal is an excellent Talent, granting us 3 more Abilities, the Mental Archetype for Abilities, and 1 more WP per level! This’ll allow us to use more of our fun Abilities. This gives us 6 Abilities at this Level, 1 of which must be Utility. Alarm Sensor is a classic Utility, allowing us to set up an Alarm to surprise enemies with. Night Vision and Thermal Vision are both classical but great Gadget-style visions. Let’s get some more aggressive options now in the form of Grenades. Sticky Grenade is a classic “hold enemies” style grenade that’ll keep enemies still, while Flash Grenade helps keep us safe by Blinding enemies. Finally, we’ll take Barrier, a useful reaction that could save someone’s life.

Level 3: +1 Charisma, +1 Stealth, +1 Improvisation, Abilities Resist, Pierce Shot, Hinder Technology, Counter Technology, Lock Explosive, Lesser Talent Powerful

Tier 2 has arrived! From Solution to Solution grants us a Problem Solver Charge whenever we use a Utility Ability that costs at least 1 WP, which we can spend to gain advantage on a Skill Check, useful for pulling off Cinematic Actions or other critical Skill Checks. We also take Powerful to help make our DR Power better. We also use Path of Attack to gain a second attack that deals half damage.

We get a LOT of Abilities at this Level again. 2 from our Level, 1 that must be used on Utility from Got Something for Everything, and another 2 from Creative Improvisation. That’s 5 Abilities! First, our Creative Improvisation allows us to take Resist, a more potent but only personal damage reduction effect. Our second choice is Pierce Shot, a well-placed attack that can deal damage in a line, ignoring Armor and Cover. Next is our Level Abilities. Hinder Technology allows us to do an EMP-style effect that makes Technology more expensive to use, while Counter Technology allows us to potentially deny it outright. Finally is Lock Explosive, which allows us to bust open a lock when needed, though it is rather noisy.

Hi-Tech Armor

The Hi-Tech Armor summons a suit of armor to help them in combat. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 10
Dexterity 13
Constitution 10
Intelligence 13
Charisma 10
Instinct 8
Will 13
Archetype Technology
Sub-Archetype Armorer
Primary Stat Intelligence
Secondary Stat Dexterity
Evasion Stat Intelligence

Skill Levels: Analysis 2, Computer 3, Deception 1, Engineering 3, History 2, Improvisation 2, Intuition 2, Natural Science 2, Persuasion 1

Path: Path of Damage (Physical Bolt)

Lesser Talent: More of the Same

Abilities: Physical Bolt, Summon Armory, Generate Light, Store Information, Electromagnetic Vision, Physical Shockwave

Weapons: Pistol

Armor: Clothes

Equipment: Equipment (Ability Support)

Bag: Bag (Bigger Bag)

Summon Armory is our core Ability here, allowing us to summon a Tier 2 Armor, Equipment, and up to 2 Weapons/Shields right now. There is a LOT you can do with this. It is a pretty major buff to our playstyle. Here is a straightforward setup for first-time Hi-Tech Armor users, but don’t be afraid to experiment:

Armor: Medium Armor T2 – Extra Armor, Lighter Armor (+2 Evasion Cap, +1 Armor)
Weapons: 2 Mini Elemental Launchers T2 (Heat) – Automated Reloader, Greater Potential (ignores Reload property, increases dice from 1d4 to 1d6)
Equipment: Equipment T2 – Ability Support, Damage Enhancement (+1 Ability Hit, +1 damage per Tier on Damage Abilities)

Beyond that, Physical Bolt is our primary form of damage and also our selection for Path of Damage. It’s good, straightforward damage! Physical Shockwave is great for when we are surrounded and need to whack them with a good chunk of damage.

Our last three Abilities come from our Talent, More of the Same, granting us some Utility. Generate Light generates… light, Store Information is a fun roleplay tool that allows us to record anything within range and store it, and Electromagnetic Vision is a great vision type for modern and Sci-Fi settings.

Despite us relying mainly upon Summon Armory, we do have a Pistol and Normal Clothes for backup alongside normal Equipment and a Bag. I wouldn’t recommend using them, but they are there.

Level 2: +1 Constitution, +1 Persuasion, Ability Acquire Information, Greater Talent Power of Flight

This is a simple Level. Our Greater Talent of choice is Power of Flight which allows us to… fly. Dunno what else to say, really! Our Ability is Acquire Information, which is great for roleplaying reasons.

Level 3: +1 Intelligence, +1 Perseverance, +1 Computers, +1 Engineering, Ability Elemental Ray (Shock), Lesser Talent Overcharge

Tier 2 has arrived! With it is Armor of Mine, which allows us to select a T2 or two T1 armor/clothes upgrades and always apply them. We’ll take Environmental Suit for general usefulness and Extra Armor for more Armor, which is always good! With T2 as well, we get to Upcast Summon Armory, allowing us to get Tier 3 stuff now. Here are my new recommendations:

Armor: Medium Armor T3 – Extra Armor x2, Lighter Armor (+2 Evasion Cap, +2 Armor)
Weapons: 2 Mini Elemental Launchers T3 (Heat) – Automated Reloader, Greater Potential x2 (ignores Reload property, increases dice from 1d4 to 1d8)
Equipment: Equipment T3 – Ability Support x2, Damage Enhancement (+2 Ability Hit, +1 damage per Tier on Damage Abilities)

We’re taking Overcharge as our Lesser Talent at this Level; this increases our Upcast/WP Turn Limit by 1, indirectly buffing many of our options. Finally, we’ll take Elemental Ray (Shock) as our super high power beam attack for hitting many enemies at once.

Complexity 4

Animal Shifter

The Animal Shifter shifts between multiple animal forms to assist in and out of combat. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 13
Dexterity 11
Constitution 12
Intelligence 8
Charisma 7
Instinct 13
Will 13
Archetype Nature
Sub-Archetype Shifter
Primary Stat Instinct
Secondary Stat Strength
Evasion Stat Instinct

Skill Levels: Animal Handling 3, Athletics 3, Endurance 2, Perception 2, Perseverance 2, Survival 3

Path: Path of Transformation

Lesser Talent: Off-and-On Transformation, Quick on your Feet

Abilities: Animal Form, Spider Step, Hunters Mark

Weapons: Long Staff

Armor: Medium Armor

Our primary Ability, Animal Form, is the key to this build. Using it, we’ll take on one of four forms: Bear (tough melee form), Eagle (evasive flying form), Panther (sneaky assassin form), and Wolf (well-rounded melee form). Thanks to Path of Transformation and Off-and-On Transformation, we can come in and out of these forms with relative affordability and speed (thanks largely to Quick Shift). However, using Abilities within those forms will limit our versatility. Careful WP management is a must!

We have a couple more Abilities to help out; Spider Step grants us the ability to walk and stand on vertical surfaces and ceilings, which is great for getting around! Hunters Mark is our primary Combat Debuff, providing a MASSIVE attack roll bonus to a target, not to mention the advantage on Perception and Survival checks to find them. We can’t use either of these or Animal Form in our Animal Form, but we’ll remedy this issue at Level 2.

We are equipped with a Long Staff and Medium Armor, but try to avoid using them. Our Animal Form is our primary focus here.

Level 2: +1 Constitution, +1 Endurance, Ability Physical Strike, Greater Talent Multi-Sub-Archetype 1 (Polymorpher’s Able Form)

At this Level, we’re stealing Polymorpher’s Able Form! This allows us to keep our Abilities while transformed, allowing us to not only improve our action economy for switching between different Animal Forms (1AP instead of 2AP) but also allow us to use all of our Ability Choices while in Animal Form. Therefore, it is in our best interest to get some Abilities that help us in these forms, and Physical Strike is a classic, granting us an extra 2d8 Physical damage on a weapon attack.

Level 3: +1 Instinct, +1 Survival, +1 Endurance, Ability Enhance Stat, Lesser Talent Self-Centered (Animal Form, Enhance Stat)

Tier 2 has arrived, and with it, a nice survival ability in Regenerating Transformation, which gives us Temporary Vitality equal to twice our Level (currently 6) whenever we target ourselves with a Transform Ability. Pretty sweet! Not only that, we get Self-Centered, which restricts Animal Form to only ourselves (which makes sense, as we’re a shapeshifter), and in exchange, lower its overall cost after Path of Transformation to only 1WP (though only in Human Form)! We can also do this for any Ability we obtain in the future that would be able to target allies, and it just so happens that Enhance Stat is an excellent option for that, allowing us to jack one of our Stats by 3 for five rounds. Which Stat will be useful depends on the forms we’re primarily using; choose wisely when buffing!


The Cavalier summons a mount to help them get around the battlefield and deal devastating hit-and-run damage. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 13
Dexterity 10
Constitution 13
Intelligence 7
Charisma 10
Instinct 12
Will 12
Archetype War
Sub-Archetype Rider
Primary Stat Strength
Secondary Stat Constitution
Evasion Stat Strength

Skill Levels: Animal Handling 3, Athletics 3, Quick Fingers 3, Raw Force 2

Path: Path of Attack

Lesser Talents: Extended Arsenal (Mental, Summon Animal), Fully Armored, Raw Force Adept

Abilities: Summon Animal, Simple Heal, Speak with Creature (Animal)

Weapon: Polearm Weapon

Armor: Heavy Armor

Your three Talents allow you to use your Polearm effectively, help take damage for your mount, and even get a mount to begin with! Raw Force Adept switches the Secondary Stat of your Polearm to Strength, while Fully Armored permits you to wear Heavy Armor. This is perfect thanks to our low Evasion and great for mitigating damage both us and our mount will take. We also take Extended Arsenal for Mental to be able to learn Summon Animal, to begin with. Speaking of…

Your key Ability is Summon Animal. You’ll spend your first round of each combat summoning a Horse, a perfect mount to help you get around the battlefield. Use your Feature Protective Bond to mount it on the same turn. Be sure to use the other part of Protective Bond to ensure your mount doesn’t take too much damage; you are far less effective without it! Use Simple Heal to help keep you both around. We also take Speak with Creature (Animal) for a touch of out-of-combat utility. It’s also fun for roleplay!

Level 2: +1 Instinct, +1 Raw Force, Ability Physical Strike, Greater Talent Running Momentum

This is where the build REALLY gets going. Running Momentum allows our Horse’s charge to begin benefitting our attack game plan, providing more damage and better attack rolls. Physical Strike allows us to further benefit from this, allowing our higher attack rolls to go towards higher damage.

Level 3: +1 Strength, +1 Animal Handling, +1 Raw Force, Lesser Talent Two-Handed Attacker

Tier 2! With Tier 2, we get the EXCELLENT Riders Presence, granting our Horse an extra 3 m of Basic Movement, further buffing our Running Momentum. We also get 2 more Evasion and Armor just for having a Union with them. We can also take the extra 50% damage on Path of Attack to help us hit even harder! With how good this Level has been, we can afford a simpler Lesser Talent, and Two-Handed Attacker is a straightforward damage consistency buff that allows us to roll our damage twice and take the better result.

Elemental Summoner

The Elemental Summoner summons one of four different elementals to help them in combat. (Made by Gold Zephzellian)

Stats Value
Strength 8
Dexterity 13
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Charisma 13
Instinct 10
Will 13
Archetype Mental
Sub-Archetype Summoner
Primary Stat Charisma
Secondary Stat Will
Evasion Stat Charisma

Skill Levels: Luck 3, Nimbleness 2, Perseverance 3, Persuasion 3, Presence 3, Supernatural 3

Path: Path of Summons (Summon Construct)

Lesser Talent: Full Command

Abilities: Summon Construct, Spectral Bullets, Shield, Speak with Creature (Animated)

Weapons: Instrument

Armor: Clothes

We are a summoner, and we’ll use the four elementals in the creatures list: Air Elemental, Earth Elemental, Fire Elemental, and Water Elemental. Each of them is good at different stuff; the Earth Elemental is the most straightforward and punchiest, Air is the most evasive, Fire is great for area denial, and Water is great for utility. Thanks to Path of Summons, we can always have a summon available, though their effectiveness is quite limited if we summon them this way; we’ll often want to spend the WP for maximum effectiveness. We can boost our summons through Heed My Command, which basically allows us to boost either their attack rolls, Evasion, DRs, or DR Power by our Primary Stat (currently +3) whenever we use Command. To further boost our Command effectiveness, we have Full Command, which allows us to spend all our AP to double the damage of our summons until our next turn.

Though we heavily rely on summons, we are by no means defenseless! Instrument is an acceptable early-game weapon, but our main form of damage when we are not busy with our summons is Spectral Bullets, a reliable 3d6 Reality damage we can spread out as needed. We also have Shield to help keep our Summons, our allies, and most importantly, ourselves around longer. Speak with Creature (Animated) is simply there as thematic flavor, allowing us to speak with Animated beings. Try to avoid the frontlines, though. We are only wearing clothes, and we’re exceptionally vulnerable in close range.

Level 2: +1 Constitution, +1 Nimbleness, Abilities Stone Spirit and Teleportation, Greater Talent Soul Connection

Soul Connection is our big upgrade at this Level, allowing any Buffs or healing effects that target ourselves or our summons also to affect the other. This is great, as it effectively doubles the value of any Healing or Buff Abilities we may use and even allows us to share the benefits of the very good Spirit series of Buffs. Stone Spirit will be the first of these we take, acting as a straightforward Armor and damage buff. We will also take Teleportation, a generally very useful Ability that is welcome in many builds.

Level 3: +1 Charisma, +1 Persuasion, +1 Presence, Abilities Fire Spirit and Storm Spirit, Lesser Talent Dual Summon

Welcome to Tier 2! Do Not Disappoint allows us to grant our summons advantage on their attacks and DRs until our next turn if we Command them a number of times equal to our Tier per full rest. Use this alongside Full Command for excellent damage! We also take Dual Summon, which synergizes nicely with Soul Connection since every summon gains the benefits of Soul Connection. They do have less damage and Vitality, but Shield allows us to largely mitigate that issue through Temporary Vitality. Our summons can now also be summoned as Level 1 creatures, so that’s pretty neat!

As for our Abilities, Fire Spirit acts as a thorns-style effect that causes damage to anything that hits us with a negative effect, while Storm Spirit is an exceptional movement-based Spirit option.