Dragon Hunt of Mirdonar

Genre: Fantasy
Primary Focus: Combat
Secondary Focus: Exploration
Time: 1-2 hours
Complexity: 1

Dragon Hunt of Mirdonar is a quick, simple one-shot for Level 1 characters that is easy to run and great for beginner players and GMs. You will be playing as a group of adventurers that the dwarven city of Mirdonar has hired to go to a glacier and hunt down a young ice dragon named Yoksontar, who has built a lair in the area. They want you to take it out before it grows up and becomes a real problem.

This adventure can be easily inserted into most Fantasy settings. You can use any sort of city close to mountains as a starting point, and you can freely exchange any fantasy race and lore with those of your chosen setting. The default option is the world of Iskra and the dwarven city of Mirdonar. You do not need to know anything about this setting other than it is a classic medieval fantasy setting to run and play this adventure, so do not worry about the details.

Character Suggestions

Here are some finished Characters for the players to choose from. This is especially good for beginners who do not yet have the know-how to build their own. Feel free to change the gender and name of these characters. You can import the character in the online character sheet.

NameDalyor Zindi
Sub-ArchetypeEvoker (Mental)

Dalyor Zindi is an elven wizard traveling the world in search of old knowledge. He works as an adventurer on the side to finance his travels. He knows a variety of elemental destruction magic.

NameDhozeabryn Warmfoot
Sub-ArchetypeBattle-Engineer (Technology)

Dhozeabryn Warmfoot is a dwarven cleric of Chaos and Light, channeling his creativity to craft blessed weapons and armor. He travels through the lands to test his weapons against evil monsters. His faith allows him to imbue his weapon with fire and heal allies.

Sub-ArchetypeRanger (Nature)

Elyscia is a human mercenary who has extensive training in the wilderness. She is mostly in the adventuring business for the gold. She is a skilled archer and an excellent scout.

NameErart Windstep
Sub-ArchetypeArtist (Creative)

Erart Windstep is an optimistic half-elf traveling the world as a bard in search of great stories to tell. He has a lute with which he can summon the power of chaos, capable of messing with the minds of his enemies and inspiring his allies to give it their all.

NameHilda Undertree
Sub-ArchetypeRogue (Cunning)

Hilda Undertree is the daughter of a gnome carpenter. She was bored with her life and decided to venture out. She is very stealthy and uses every dirty trick in the books to take her enemies off guard, finishing them off with her dagger and slingshot.

NameRau Kit
RaceBeast Folk
Sub-ArchetypeMartial Artist (Unarmed)

Rau Kit is a Wolf Beastfolk who grew up in the forest. An explorer by nature, he decided to travel the world as an adventurer. His wolf nose makes him a master tracker, and his claws are fast and vicious.

NameWillmen the Nobel
Sub-ArchetypeProtector (Bulwark)

Willmen the Nobel is the third youngest child of eight born to a noble knight. He has vowed to prove himself to be a valiant knight and ventures out to take on dangerous missions. He wears sturdy plate armor and defends his allies with his sword and shield.

Sub-ArchetypeRusher (War)

Xorag the orc is always ready for a good battle. This barbarian storms into combat without a second thought, swinging his greataxe and cleaving through enemy hordes. Beware his orcish rage.

The Adventure

Important NPCDescription
Junmer DiamondeyeKing of Mirdonar, Dwarf missing an eye that is replaced with a diamond replica.

The adventure starts right after the player characters have accepted the job from the King of Mirdonar, Junmer Diamondeye, to kill a young ice dragon named Yoksontar that has built their lair in a glacier in the northwest. Adult dragons can be extremely dangerous for any civilization, so taking care of this monster before it becomes a real problem is important.

The players have maps and knowledge of the region. They know of three possible paths to the glacier. The fastest one would go directly through the mountains. It would only take two days to reach the dragon, but the path is treacherous. The second option is to go north of the mountains through the cold forests. It would take three days, but the weather can turn against them at any moment. Finally, they could go south of the mountains through the valley, which would take five days, but it is also the safest route. The more time the players take, the more prepared the dragon will be when they face it, but they do not know that.

Presume that the player characters have enough rations and water to make the journey, as well as decent clothing for the weather they will likely encounter.

The Path through the Mountains

The path through the mountain is slim and will force the group to walk in a line. The first day will be without any noteworthy events at first. Feel free to describe the cool wind flowing past them and how steep the way down to their right is, ensuring that falling down will most likely lead to their deaths.

After roughly five hours of walking, a landslide will occur. If the landslide hits them, let them all roll a Strength DR against 14. On a failure, they receive 3d6 Physical damage. On a success, they only receive half as much damage. If you want to increase the difficulty of the adventure, you might also have them roll a Dexterity DR against 12 after failing the Strength DR. On a failure, they start falling down the mountain and die if nobody acts quickly to save them.

Let the person at the head of the group roll a Survival or Intuition check. If they roll at least a 6 they will notice the landslide a few seconds before it accours, giving the group 12 seconds to brace for the impact in some way. Depending on what the players do, you can either lower the damage, give them advantage on the DRs, or even allow them to avoid it completely. If they roll at least a 9, they will notice the danger in advance, allowing the group to stop and completely avoid it.

After the landslide, the path will be blocked with rocks and boulders, and they will need to find a way to get past them or be forced to turn back and choose another route. If they choose to clear the path, let the character with the highest Raw Force Skill roll with advantage. On a 9 or higher, the group works fast enough not to be slowed down significantly. On a 5 or higher, they manage to remove the obstacles, but they take one day longer to reach their glacier. Otherwise, the task becomes too difficult, and they will have to think of another way to get through. Let the players use Abilities creatively to succeed automatically.

The players can also decide to climb over the rocks, but this is dangerous and comes with the risk of falling down the mountain, which can kill the characters. Be sure to communicate the risk to the players if they try to attempt it. Each character will have to make an Athletics, Luck, or Nimbleness Check individually. If any of them rolls lower than a 5 they will fall down. Unless someone acts quickly, the character will die.

One hour after the landslide, they will encounter a Chimera. First, they will only see its goat head leaning out of a small cave on the other side of the ravine. The goat’s head is noticeably larger than that of a normal goat. It will not notice the adventures at first unless they make a lot of noise. The chimera is resting and not paying much attention to its surroundings. If the players walk right in front of the cave entrance, the chimera will notice them instantly and become aggressive, but it is possible to sneak past it with a successful Stealth check against its Perception Check. If the entire group tries to sneak by, let the player with the worst Stealth Check value roll. They gain disadvantage if anyone in the group is wearing heavy armor.

The players can find a small cave afterward to rest for the night. The next day is windy but otherwise uneventful. They will reach the glacier after six more hours of walking.

Battlemap for Chimera Encounter
Number of PlayersEasyMediumDifficult
11 Chimera (lv 0)1 Chimera (lv 1)1 Chimera (lv 2)
21 Chimera (lv 1)1 Chimera (lv 2)1 Chimera (lv 3)
31 Chimera (lv 2)1 Chimera (lv 3)1 Chimera (lv 5)
41 Chimera (lv 3)1 Chimera (lv 5)1 Chimera (lv 6)
51 Chimera (lv 5)1 Chimera (lv 6)1 Chimera (lv 8)
61 Chimera (lv 6)1 Chimera (lv 8)1 Chimera (lv 10)
Chimera Encounter Levels

The Path through the Cold Forest

The first day through the cold forest is a lovely one. The sun is shining, reflecting from the snow, making it glitter like diamonds. The temperatures are cool but easy to endure. Presume that the player characters have winter clothing with them. Feel free to describe how they see the occasional animal, like a hare or fox, move through the pine trees, stirred up by the adventurers as they wander through the forest.

The second day starts with a light snow that starts to get stronger over the day. It does not become bad enough to truly hinder the adventurers, but it starts limiting their line of sight. After walking for 6 hours, they start seeing a horned creature approaching them. This is but a harmless goat, which reveals itself soon enough. The real danger comes from what the poor animal attracts as it is soon ambushed by a yeti that is hiding in the snowy weather. The yeti brutally kills the goat in a few seconds as it starts gazing up at the players, clearly still hungry. At that moment, the adventurers will see more yetis coming from behind the trees, ready to attack.

Put the yeti that attacked the goat where the bloodstain is on the battle map. Put the others next to the trees on the left side of the map. The player characters start combat roughly 5 m south of the bloodstain. The yetis will try to close the distance quickly and put pressure on the adventurers.

On the third day, a blizzard will start, forcing the players to find a solution. They can try to find a shelter to wait out the storm. Let them roll a Survival Skill check against 5. On a success, they find a cave where they can wait. Choosing this solution will slow down the travel time by one day. The players could also get creative and find solutions on how they can continue traveling in the storm, like using fire magic to keep warm or using the yeti pelts as coats.

If the players decide to continue their journey without any precautions, force each player to roll three Endurance Skill Checks against 7, 8, and 9. Their characters gain one Level of Exhaustion per failed Skill Check. They will reach the glacier after walking for three hours.

Battlemap for the Yeti Encounter
Number of PlayersEasyMediumDifficult
11 Yeti (lv 0)1 Yeti (lv 0)1 Yeti (lv 1)
21 Yeti (lv 1)2 Yetis (lv 0)2 Yeti (lv 1)
32 Yetis (lv 0)3 Yetis (lv 0)3 Yetis (lv 1)
43 Yetis (lv 0)4 Yetis (lv 0)4 Yetis (lv 1)
54 Yetis (lv 0)4 Yetis (lv 1)4 Yetis (lv 2)
64 Yetis (lv 1)4 Yetis (lv 2)4 Yetis (lv 3)
Yeti Encounter Levels

The Path through the Valley

Important NPCDescription
BibsyA white goat. Pet of Brogger and Mik
Brogger and MikTwo ogres looking for their pet goat Bibsy

The valley has lovely weather, chirping birds, and beautiful trees. The journey through it will be mostly eventless, with no environmental challenges at all.

On the third day, they will encounter a white goat that is peacefully nibbling on a bush. This goat is Bibsy, the pet of two ogres that live in the valley. After five minutes, they will be hearing those ogres calling out for Bibsy. The adventurers will clearly hear from afar that quite large creatures are approaching as branches snap and their heavy steps echo through the forest.

The two ogres are called Brogger and Mik. They are brother and sister. What happens next highly depends on what the player characters did with Bibsy before the ogres arrive. The ogres will be generally agitated and stressed. Anything that they receive as an insult or a threat towards them or Bibsy will turn them hostile. Remember that ogres have the Trait Clumsy (Intelligence) which means they roll all intelligence-related rolls with disadvantage. They are supposed to be incredibly stupid and easy to trick.

Here are some examples of how they might react depending on what the players did with Bibsy.

The players ignored Bibsy and continued walking: Brogger and Mik aggressively ask if the adventurers have seen Bibsy. If told a direction, they will follow it. If the adventures seem uncooperative or suspicious, they will attack.

The players are petting Bibsy or taking care of her: Brogger and Mik presume that the adventurers kidnapped Bibsy and will aggressively demand to give her back. If the players do not quickly de-escalate the situation and convince the ogres that they just found her, they will attack.

The players killed or injured Bibsy: Brogger and Mik will be enraged. Unless the players convinced them immediately that they were not responsible, the ogres will attack.

After the adventurers manage that situation, they can continue their journey and will arrive at the glacier on the fifth day.

Battle Map for Ogre Encounter
Number of PlayersEasyMediumDifficult
12 Ogre Warriors (lv 0, Only 1 Vitality)2 Ogre Warriors (lv 0, Only 1 Vitality)2 Ogre Warriors (lv 0, Only 1 Vitality)
22 Ogre Warriors (lv 0)2 Ogre Warriors (lv 0)2 Ogre Warriors (lv 1)
32 Ogre Warriors (lv 1)2 Ogre Warriors (lv 2)2 Ogre Warriors (lv 2)
42 Ogre Warriors (lv 2)2 Ogre Warriors (lv 2)2 Ogre Warriors (lv 3)
52 Ogre Warriors (lv 2)2 Ogre Warriors (lv 3)2 Ogre Warriors (lv 5)
62 Ogre Warriors (lv 3)2 Ogre Warriors (lv 5)2 Ogre Warriors (lv 6)
Ogre Encounter Levels

The Dragons Glacier

Important NPCDescription
YoksontarThe young ice dragon.

The young ice dragon (who is named Yoksontar) has carved a cave into the icy glacier. Its lair can be easily found if the players search the area. Where the Dragon is will depend on how many days the adventuring party took to reach the place. If the players reach the glacier on the second day, Yoksontar will be resting in his lair, still injured from a fight with a group of orcs. His Vitality will be reduced by 1/4, and he will be easy to ambush while sleeping. On the third day, he will still be sleeping but will no longer be injured. On the fourth day, he will be sitting awake in his lair. Any day after that, he will be out hunting, seeing the adventurers when they approach (unless they are hidden), and trying to ambush the players.

The Yoksontar’s Lair

When the players enter the dragon’s lair, they will see ice blocks that contain frozen creatures, grizzly trophies that proclaim the dragon’s strength. The main entrance has a frozen bear and an ogre. As they go deeper, they will find multiple dwarfs, a few humans, and a lot of orcs that are frozen solid. They are all dead. Thawing the ice will not revive them. The cave itself is filled with a dim blue light. It’s the sunlight that barely manages to shine through the ice.

Yoksontar will be in the main chamber, which offers plenty of room. Yoksontar gains disadvantage on his Perception checks while sleeping, making it easy for the group to sneak up on him. If he is awake, he will almost certainly notice them as they approach. He can speak, but he will not be in the mood to do so. Instead, he will try to eliminate the threat as quickly as possible.

You can use the Ice Wyvern creature to represent Yoksontar and turn it into a pseudo-boss, multiplying his Vitality, Willpower, and number of turns by the grade suggested in the table. For more information about pseudo-bosses, see the GM Guide.

Glacier Battlemap

The battle will take place outside of Yoksontar’s Lair if the dragon is awake and hunting or if the players try to lure him to them instead of trying to find the cave. In the first scenario, Yoksontar tries to ambush the players from above. Let him roll a Stealth check against the Perception Check of the player with the best Perception Check value. The player gains advantage if they are not alone. If Yoksontar rolls the same value or higher than the player, his ambush is successful, and he gets to act first in the first round. He gains advantage on all attacks on that round since he is hidden from the players.

Number of PlayersEasyMediumDifficult
11 Ice Wyvern (lv 0)1 Ice Wyvern (lv 1)1 Ice Wyvern (lv 2)
21 Ice Wyvern (lv 1)1 Ice Wyvern (lv 2)1 Ice Wyvern (lv 3)
31 Ice Wyvern (lv 1, Grade 2)1 Ice Wyvern (lv 2, Grade 2)1 Ice Wyvern (lv 5)
41 Ice Wyvern (lv 2, Grade 2)1 Ice Wyvern (lv 2, Grade 3)1 Ice Wyvern (lv 3, Grade 2)
51 Ice Wyvern (lv 3, Grade 3)1 Ice Wyvern (lv 3, Grade 2)1 Ice Wyvern (lv 5, Grade 2)
61 Ice Wyvern (lv 2, Grade 3)1 Ice Wyvern (lv 4, Grade 2)1 Ice Wyvern (lv 4, Grade 3)
Yoksontar Encounter Levels


Once the adventurers have defeated the dragon, you can mostly skip over the journey back. The King of Mirdonar, Junmer Diamondeye, rewards them with 2000 Gold/Credits each, and they are celebrated as heroes in Mirdonar. You could continue the adventure, turning it into a campaign from here on out. If not, I recommend asking the players what their adventurers’ future plans are and narrating a happy ending for each of them.