World Interaction

A rogue, a rusher, and an enchanter looking at a landscape filled with forests and mountains.

Here you can find all sorts of rules on how your characters can interact with their environment and the world that they occupy.


Your characters will need to rest and recharge eventually after a day full of adventure and conflict. They have a couple of options to do so.

A full rest takes ten hours, eight of which have to be spent sleeping. It restores all of your character’s Vitality and Willpower and half of their Narrative Momentum. Any Temporary Vitality that they might have is reset to 0. Your character can only take one full rest within 24 hours.

A half rest takes only five hours, four of which have to be spent sleeping. A half rest grants the same benefits as a full rest but can only be used once after a full rest before it stops having any effect. It only restores half of your character’s Vitality and Willpower and no Narrative Momentum. Having two half rests within 24 hours makes them count as a full rest.

A short rest is a half-hour break of light activity. It restores half of your character’s Vitality and Willpower. Any Temporary Vitality that they might have is reset to 0. Your character can only take one short rest after a full or half rest.

Resting in a resting place grants additional benefits when taking a full rest. See Buildings for more information.


Objects are almost anything that is not a creature or item. They can be anything from a chair or a box to a wall or the ground. Most objects do not do much on their own but they can be targeted by Abilities and attacks. They can also be destroyed. This opens up new tactical options, like making the ceiling of a room collapse on your enemies or making your own “door” by blasting a hole in the wall.

Objects have their own Vitality and Armor depending on their material. Those values can change depending on your setting and how powerful a normal character is. You can feel free to adjust them how you like so that they fit your game world. You can find examples you can use as guidelines on how strong materials should be in the following table.

Material Vitality* Armor* Vitality** Armor** Vitality*** Armor*** Usual Properties
Crystal/Glass 40 0 20 0 80 0 Splintering
Energy 100 0 50 0 200 0 Regeneration
Ice 30 4 15 2 60 8 Splintering
Metal 50 10 25 5 100 20 Conductive
Organic/Earth 30 0 15 0 60 0 Flammable
Plastic  30 2 15 1 60 4 Flammable
Stone 50 8 25 4 100 16
Wood 30 4 15 2 60 8 Flammable
Examples of Vitality, Armor, and object properties for materials depending on the setting

Objects fail all DRs and Skill Checks, and all attacks that target them automatically hit. Objects have an Initiative of 0. Objects have resistance against non-area-of-effect ranged weapon attacks and vulnerability against area-of-effect weapon attacks.

Objects can have the following properties.

  • Hardened: Its Vitality and Armor are twice as high.
  • Soft: Its Vitality and Armor are halved.
  • Indestructible: It can only be damaged by very few means and has enough durability to survive something like an atomic bomb without any real damage.
  • Hollow: Its Vitality is halved.
  • Regeneration: It regains half of its Vitality at the end of each round
  • Flammable: It catches fire if damaged through Heat or Shock damage, which gives it the Burning Status Effect. When the Burning damages it, it also damages any creature or object within 1 m of it by the same amount.
  • Explosive: This object explodes if damaged through Heat or Shock damage. When it explodes, every creature and object within 2 m has to make a Constitution DR against 14. On a failure, they take 20 Heat damage (GM can adjust this damage). On a success, they take only half as much damage.
  • Conductive: Every creature and object within 1 m of this object must make a Constitution DR against 14 when this object is hit by Shock damage. On a failure, they receive half of the Shock damage. Other conductive objects do not trigger this property if they receive this Shock damage.
  • Freeze Burst: This object is vulnerable to Cold damage. It explodes if destroyed by Cold damage. When it explodes, every creature and object within 2 m has to make a Constitution DR against 14. On a failure, they take 30 Cold damage (GM can adjust this damage). On a success, they take only half as much damage.
  • Splintering: It bursts into splinters if it is destroyed by Physical damage. When it splinters, every creature and object within 1 m has to make a Constitution DR against 14. On a failure, they take 10 Physical damage (GM can adjust this damage). On a success, they take only half as much damage.

Objects react differently to different types of damage. Here you can see their vulnerabilities, resistances, and immunities.

Material Physical Holy Curse Spirit Heat Chemical Shock Cold Poison Psychic Reality
Crystal/Glass Vulnerable Vulnerable Resistant Resistant Immune Immune
Energy Resistant Immune Vulnerable Resistant Immune Immune
Ice Vulnerable Immune Immune Immune
Metal Resistant Resistant Resistant Immune Immune Immune
Organic/Earth Vulnerable Immune Immune
Plastic  Vulnerable Immune Immune
Stone Resistant Resistant Resistant Resistant Vulnerable Immune Immune
Wood Vulnerable Vulnerable Resistant Resistant Immune Immune
vulnerabilities, resistances, and immunities of different materials


Any creature with at least one free hand can attempt to climb most surfaces. Their effective movement is halved while they do so. The GM can force a creature to make an Athletics or Nimbleness Check if they think the surface is hard to climb. On a failure, the creature cannot climb it. The GM can also decide that something is impossible to climb.

Any creature can normally swim. Their effective movement is halved while they do so. The GM can force a creature to make an Athletics check if they think that it would be difficult to swim, like if they were wearing heavy armor or they are swimming through rough waters. On a failure, they start sinking.

Any creature can jump up to 3 m + their Strength Bonus wide if they have a running start of 3 m and half as much if they do not. Their jump height is equal to a fifth of their jumping distance if they have a running start of at least 3 m and half as much if they do not. A creature that tries to jump further or higher than their Strength Stat allows has to make an Athletics or Nimbleness Check. The GM can freely adjust the standard jumping distance and height to make them fit the setting. A creature uses up their movement while jumping through the air as if they were moving normally. However, if they are still in the air when they are jumping and run out of movement, they still finish their jump, gaining negative movement equal to the distance that they moved. Negative movement carries over to your next turn, unlike positive movement. You can only jump if you have at least 1 m of movement left.

Strength Stat 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Jump distance (with 3m running start) 0 m 1 m 2 m 3 m 4 m 5 m 6 m 7 m 8 m 9 m 10 m
Jump distance (without running start) 0 m 0,5 m 1 m 1,5 m 2 m 2,5 m 3 m 3,5 m 4 m 4,5 m 5 m
Jump height (with 3m running start) 0 m 0,2 m 0,4 m 0,6 m 0,8 m 1 m 1,2 m 1,4 m 1,6 m 1,8 m 2 m
Jump height (without running start) 0 m 0,1 m 0,2 m 0,3 m 0,4 m 0,5 m 0,6 m 0,7 m 0,8 m 0,9 m 1 m
examples for jumping distance depending on Strength


If a creature falls more than 3 m, they receive fall damage. For every 3 m, they receive 1d6 Physical damage. The damage increases to a d10 for every 3 m if the creature is of the size category Big + or bigger. The damage is reduced to a 1d4 for every 3 m if they are of the size category Small. The creature does not receive any fall damage if they are of the size category Small – or smaller.

If a creature falls 30m or more, half the number of dice and replace them with dice that are twice as big. Add the new dice size every 6 m to the fall damage until you reach 60 m. Fall damage does not increase beyond 60 m.

Fall Distance 3 m 6 m 9 m 12 m 15 m 18 m 21 m 24 m 27 m 30 m 36 m 42 m 48 m 54 m 60 m
Small – and smaller 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Small 1d4 2d4 3d4 4d4 5d4 6d4 7d4 8d4 9d4 5d8 6d8 7d8 8d8 9d8 10d8
Medium, Big 1d6 2d6 3d6 4d6 5d6 6d6 7d6 8d6 9d6 5d12 6d12 7d12 8d12 9d12 10d12
Big + and bigger 1d10 2d10 3d10 4d10 5d10 6d10 7d10 8d10 9d10 5d20 6d20 7d20 8d20 9d20 10d20
examples for fall damage

If a creature or object falls on another creature or object, the other creature or object also receives the fall damage. They can, however, decide to make either a Dexterity or Strength DR against 15. The DR is made with disadvantage if the falling creature or object is of a bigger size category than the creature they are falling onto. It is made with advantage if the falling creature or object is of a smaller size category. On a successful Dexterity DR, they can move to a free space next to where the creature or object fell and avoid the damage. On a successful Strength DR, they can catch the creature and prevent all fall damage to themselves and the falling creature or object and can either grab them, let them climb them, or put them in a free space next to them.

You fall 200 m per round. If you are falling during your turn, you can perform any actions you want while falling. You could, for example, perform an Attack action after jumping towards a flying enemy, performing all attacks it grants you before you fall down again or save yourself by using something that grants you temporary flight, like the Abilities Storm Spirit or Jet Boost. If you are falling outside your turn, you start falling immediately, only being able to use reactions.


The adventures of your character are rarely cozy. They sometimes have to push themselves beyond their limits. This may cause them to become exhausted. Some extreme situations can therefore cause them to gain levels of Exhaustion.

A creature gains 1 level of Exhaustion if 24 hours pass without having a half or full rest.

A creature gains 1 level of Exhaustion if 24 hours pass without them eating enough. Most creatures only need one full meal or one ration per day not to start gaining Exhaustion. The amount needed is doubled (multiplicative) for each size category above Medium and halved (multiplicative) for each size category below Medium.

A creature gains 1 level of Exhaustion if 24 hours pass without them drinking enough. The levels of Exhaustion they gain increase by 1 for each subsequent day that they do not drink anything. A medium creature needs about 1.5 liters or one full water container per day to prevent Exhaustion. The amount needed is doubled (multiplicity) for each size category above Medium and halved (multiplicity) for each size category below Medium.

A creature gains 1 level of Exhaustion if exposed to extreme hot or cold weather without proper protection for 1 hour if they fail an Endurance Skill Check against 7. The Skill Check they need to roll increases by 1 for each passing hour they are exposed to the weather. You gain advantage on the Endurance Skill Check and prevent the needed roll from going up for extreme hot weather if you drink a whole day’s worth of water per hour. Resistance and Immunity to Heat damage make a creature immune to the effects of extremely hot weather. The same is true for Cold damage and extremely cold weather.

A creature loses 1 levels of Exhaustion after a full rest on a day where they had enough to eat and drink.

A creature can hold their breath for 0,5 minutes times their Constitution Bonus + 1,5 minutes (minimum of 30 seconds total). After that time passed, they gain 2 levels of Exhaustion after each round that they cannot gain air. They lose the levels of Exhaustion that they gained this way if they can breathe for a full round.

The GM can adjust all of these numbers so that they fit better with the setting.

Light and Vision

Creatures can have different ways of experiencing and sensing their environment. Every creature has Normal Vision by default. Normal Vision is roughly equivalent to how most humans can see. It allows you to see within the normal light spectrum and worsens if it gets darker. Without light, it does not work.

There are other ways a creature can sense their environment. These alternative ways of perceiving are called Visions. Most Visions can be gained through Abilities and features.

Some Visions still work if you are blinded. Also, some Visions do not require a direct line of sight to work like Normal Vision. Here is a list of all Visions:

Name Description Requires direct line of sight Affected by Blindness
Atomic Vision You can see everything on an atomic scale. Yes Yes
Dimensional Vision You can sense anomalies in the space-time continuum and pocket/parallel dimensions close to your current one. Yes No
Electromagnetic Vision You can detect if something is emitting electromagnetic waves and what kind of waves they are. No No
Life Vision You can sense the life force of biological creatures and roughly feel how strong their body and spirit are. No No
Night Vision You can see in the dark but cannot see different colors if there is no bright light source. Yes Yes
Normal Vision The default Vision that most creatures have. You can see the normal visible spectrum of light. Yes Yes
Omega Vision You can sense the true form of every object and creature. Yes No
Psychic Vision You can sense minds and psionic energy within range. The lesser the mind, the harder it is to detect. No No
Seismic Vision You can sense anything that is touching the same solid object you are. No No
Smell Vision Your sense of smell is so good that you can effectively “see” anything with a scent within range. No No
Sound Vision You can detect any object or creature that makes a noise. You can also see silent objects or creatures if you emit a sound. No No
Supernatural Vision You can detect supernatural energy and roughly identify what kind of energy it is. No No
Thermal Vision You can detect heat signatures and minute differences in temperatures. Yes No
X-Ray Vision You can see through objects and creatures. No Yes
Different types of visions

Sometimes features and Abilities talk about a bright light source. This can be anything from a flashlight to the sun itself. Weaker light sources like a burning match or moonlight do not count as bright light sources.


Your characters will probably have to do a lot of traveling. Here you can see suggested traveling times for different modes of transportation. Consider that difficult terrain like mountains and swamps might slow you down significantly or be unsuitable for specific vehicles and mounts.

Way of Travel Per Hour Per Day
On Foot (normal) 3-4 km 25-30 km (8 hours)
On Foot (stealthy) 2-3 km 20-25 km (8 hours)
Blimp 50-60 km 1,200-1,400 km (14 hours)
Riding Faster Mount (trained horse, …) 11-13 km 80-100 km (8 hours)
Riding Slower Mount (donkey, camel, normal horse, …) 6-7 km 40-50 km (8 hours)
Sailing Boat 14-18 km 350-450 km (24 hours)
Steam Locomotive 80-95 km 1,920-2,280 km (24 hours)
Car 80-120 km 800-1200 km (10 hours)
Plane 880-960 km 14,080-15,260 km (16 hours)
Ship 30-45 km 720-1,080 km (24 hours)
Train 160-260 km 3,840-2,640 km (24 hours)

Scavenging for Food and Water

Your characters will not always be in a place where they can just buy their next meals. Sometimes they have to scavenge the land or go hungry.

A character can go searching for food in the wilderness. They have to make a Survival Check for every hour they spend searching. Depending on what environment they are in and the result of the Survival Check, they can find different quantities of water and food. This does not work if they are in an environment with nothing to eat or drink. In the following table, you can see how much they can find.

Survival Check resultLess than 33-67-910-1212-15More than 15
Lush (rainforest, hardwood forest, …)01-23-45-67-89-10
Normal (grasslands, savanna, pine forest, …)001-23-45-67-8
Desolate (desert, tundra, swamp, mountains, …)0001-23-45-6
How much food or water a character can find depending on the environment when searching for one hour.

The numbers represent enough water or food for one normal person. So if, for example, you rolled an 8 on the Survival Check in a normal environment, you would find either enough water for one person, enough food for one person, enough food and water for one person, enough food for two persons, or enough water for two persons. The GM decides what exactly you find.

Depending on the time of year, an environment can be more or less abundant with food. A pinewood forest could count as desolate in the winter, or a savanna could become lush during the rainy season.

Harvesting Material

Your characters can not only buy materials from merchants. The world is full of useful resources that can be harvested directly. Enemy weapons can be dismantled into parts; mighty beasts can be skinned for leather, and magical plants dot the lands waiting to be used for potions.

If you try to harvest materials, you will need to make a Skill Check. Different Skills can be used to harvest from different sources. Here is a List of suggestions on how you can use Skills, but the GM can add options that fit your setting.

SkillMaterial Source
ComputersAnything that has digital or electrical components
EngineeringWeapons, Armor, Machine parts, Mining
LockpickingDismantling Traps
MedicineMedical or poisonous plants and substances, Body Parts
Natural ScienceAnything that contains chemical substances, Experimental Tech, Power Sources
Raw ForceMining, Chopping Wood
SupernaturalMagical Ingredients or Items
SurvivalPlants, Creature Parts
Harvesting Skills

How much material you can harvest depends on your environment or the average Tier of items that a creature has and its rank. The Tier of natural weapons, armor, and equipment is also taken into account. To salvage materials from a creature, you will require 10 minutes per creature. To salvage materials from the environment, you will require 1 hour. Here is a list of how many credits-worths of materials you get on average, depending on the Skill Check result (boss value is multiplied by their grade).

SourceLess than 45-89-1213-16More than 17
Tier 0 items (Minor, Normal, Elite, Boss)0(0, 10, 20, 30)(10, 20, 30, 40)(20, 30, 40, 50)(30, 40, 50, 60)
Tier 1 items (Minor, Normal, Elite, Boss)0(50, 100, 200, 300)(100, 150, 250, 350)(150, 200, 300, 400)(200, 300, 400, 500)
Tier 2 items (Minor, Normal, Elite, Boss)0(100, 200, 400, 600)(200, 300, 500, 700)(300, 400, 600, 800)(400, 600, 800, 1000)
Tier 3 items (Minor, Normal, Elite, Boss)0(150, 300, 600, 800)(300, 500, 800, 1000)(450, 700, 1000, 1200)(750, 1000, 1300, 1500)
Tier 4 items (Minor, Normal, Elite, Boss)0(200, 400, 800, 1200)(400, 700, 1100, 1500)(600, 1000, 1400, 1800)(900, 1500, 1900, 2300)
Tier 5 items (Minor, Normal, Elite, Boss)0(250, 500, 1000, 1500)(500, 900, 1400, 1900)(750, 1300, 1800, 2300)(1100, 1900, 2400, 2900)
Tier 6 items (Minor, Normal, Elite, Boss)0(300, 600, 1200, 1800)(600, 1100, 1700, 2300)(900, 1600, 2200, 2800)(1500, 2500, 3100, 3700)
High Value (Enchanted Forest, High-Quality Mine, Alien Ship, …)010030010003000
Medium Value (Forest, Mine, Volcanic area, Factory, …)0501505001500
Low Value (Grassland, Mountainside, Beach, Houses, …)01030100300
The credit value of materials that you gain depending on the harvesting source and Skill Check


Diseases are something that can always spread to you and your allies. If you are exposed to infected materials or creatures or exposed to extreme conditions, the GM might rule that you have to make an Endurance Skill Check. On a failure, you are infected with a disease. The symptoms might not immediately manifest, taking a few hours or days to surface.

Here are some examples of diseases that you might encounter.

ColdMake an Endurance Skill Check whenever you make a Skill Check, DR, or weapon attack or use an Ability (suggested value is 4). On a failure, you automatically fail the Skill Check, DR, or weapon attack or nullify the Ability that you used. Make an Endurance Skill Check every 24 hours (suggested value is 5). Taking it easy for the day grants you an advantage on those Endurance Skill Checks. If you succeed two times in a row, you are cured of the Cold.
FeverYou are constantly tainted while you have a fever. Make an Endurance Skill Check every 24 hours (suggested value is 7). Taking it easy for the day grants you an advantage on those Endurance Skill Checks. On a failure, you gain 1 level of Exhaustion. You are cured of the fever if you do not have any levels of Exhaustion for 24 hours after the first 24 pass.
PlagueYour maximum Vitality is reduced by 1d12 and by another 1d12 for every 24 hours that pass. You die if your Maximum Vitality drops to 0. Make an Endurance Skill Check after every 24 hours (suggested value 9). Taking it easy for the day grants you an advantage on those Endurance Skill Checks. If you succeed two times in a row, you will start to recover, gaining 1d12 to your maximum Vitality every 24 hours until you reach your normal maximum. Once you have reached your normal maximum Vitality, you are cured of the plague.
Examples for diseases


Buildings are artificial constructs that offer a variety of benefits when used and cannot (usually) be moved. These can often be found in civilized areas, like cities, villages, space stations, etc. You can often rent them or pay for services that use those buildings.

Buildings can have four levels of quality, which are modest, normal, expensive, and luxurious. The higher the quality, the better the benefits it grants, but the more expensive it is to use or buy them.

You can find a list of all the buildings here, but here are two of the most important ones and how much it costs to rent them.

Resting places grant Temporary Vitality whenever you take a full rest in them. Hotels and Inns often rent out rooms that count as resting places. The price depends on the quality, but the GM can adjust them depending on the needs of the story. Modest quality costs 10 credits per night and restores 1d4 Temporary Vitality, normal costs 20 and restores 2d4, expensive costs 40 and restores 3d4, and luxurious costs 150 and restores 3d8.

Cost in Credits102040150
Restored Temporary Vitality1d42d43d43d8
Cost of renting a resting place and how much Temporary Vitality they restore

Kitchens allow you to craft meals that restore Temporary Vitality once per rest depending on your Improvisation, Natural Science, or Super Natural Skill Level. Many places, like restaurants and taverns, offer such cooked meals that your characters can buy. Those meals not only satiate your nutritional needs but also provide a small boost for your adventures. As a GM, presume the following gains depending on the quality and how much such a meal costs (drinks not included).

Cost in Credits251550
Restored Temporary Vitality13616
Cost of buying a cooked meal and how much Temporary Vitality it restores

Base Building

Sometimes, having a base is a tactical choice, or your characters want to have a place to call home. You could always buy such a place, but what if that is too expensive or there are no suitable buildings? In such a case, your character can build their own.

Building buildings works similarly to crafting items. You require materials and time to build them. The building time equals 1/50 of the material cost in hours. So a modest building station with a material cost of 500 Credits takes 500/50 = 10 hours to build. Multiple people can work on the same building, reducing the building time significantly. So four people working on that building station would reduce the building time to 2,5 hours.

Any feature that affects your general item crafting capabilities also affects you when building buildings. You can upgrade a building to a higher quality. You only need the difference in material cost and building time when doing so.

You require a minimum Skill Level in either Art, Engineering, History, Improvisation, Natural Science, or Supernatural to build buildings depending on the quality.

Skill Level2345
Skill Level required to build a building depending on the quality

Examples of Prices

Sometimes your characters need or want to spend credits on something other than items and upgrades. Here you can find a list of prices that the GM can use to determine prices for all sorts of goods and services.

Goods and ServicesModestNormalExpensiveLuxurious
Basic Tool/Equipment2550100300
General Living costs (per day)102060300
Rent (per Month)1003008005,000
Sending Letter/Package241050
Price Examples of Goods and Services

You might also want to hire people for different tasks. Here you can see examples of how much you normally pay a person for different jobs with different skill levels.

Hireling per hour per day per month per year
Highly Trained252005,20062,400
Mercenary (Tier 1)151203,12037,440
Mercenary (Tier 2)352807,28087,360
Mercenary (Tier 3)8064016,640199,680
Mercenary (Tier 4)1801,44037,440449,280
Mercenary (Tier 5)4003,20083,200998,400
Example of Wages for different Hirelings

Next Chapter: Creatures